...Match Reports...

Website Report for week ending 21st April 2024.

We started our outdoor season with our regular season opener of our President versus Captain match. 48 members turned out on a somewhat chilly, but dry and sunny(ish) Saturday afternoon. As expected, the green was a little bit “pushy”, as most greens are this time of year, following a period of more than expected rainfall over the winter months. But following the hard work of our Greenkeeper, Peter Hills, who is also our President, and his band of willing helpers, the game went ahead and was enjoyed by those playing, judging by the banter that emanated from the rinks. In the end the Captain’s team prevailed by 108 shots to 85. They only lost one rink, that of Maureen Blunt, Lucy Williams, Terry Metcalf and Skip Steve Chamberlain. They went down 16-19 to the team of Linda Tyler and Jim Whittle (who each shared half the game) Gill Parsley, Julian Hales and Skip Ian Williams. The Captain’s highest winning rink was that of Sue Hemmings, Jack Harper, Dave Castle and Skip Keith Smith. They beat Sue Ellis, Ian Tyler, Dickie Jackson and Skip Phil Berry by 23 shots to 13. The other rink scores, President’s team first, were: -
Jenny Holzbauer, John Gordon, Chris Hills and Skip Derek Henley lost to Pauline Whybrow, Celia Gordon, Howard Carrick and Skip Jim Smith 10-13; Sue Kiernan and Ruby Williams (who each shared half the game), Richard Brewster and Skip Les Parsley lost to Jan Smith, George Campbell and Skip Graham Akers 15-21; Anna Pattle, Ann Edwards, Roger Tomlinson and Skip Peter Hills lost to Rachel Jones, Andy Pattle, Daniel Williams and Skip Steve Arnold 16-20; Nicki Berry, John Ellis, Phil Holzbauer and Skip Richard Harper lost to Alfie Williams, Mike Usher, Janet Akers and Skip Rob Hazeu 12-15.

Website Report for week ending 28th April 2024.

Datchworth 112 Welwyn and District 71
Our first Mixed Friendly of their season was on Friday afternoon when Welwyn and District were the visitors to our Turkey Farm green and it ended in a 112 shot to 71 win to us, after winning all but one of the five Triples played. Our highest winning Triple was that of Jan Smith, Richard Harper and Skip Rob Hazeu, who led from the start to win by 26-10. Andy Pattle, Janet Akers and Skip Jim Smith were 4-8 down after six ends, but fought back to win by 24 shots to 12. Mike Usher, Chris Hills and Skip Les Parsley trailed from the second end and eventually lost by 11 shots to 23. Anna Pattle, Andy Short and Skip Graham Akers were 5-9 down after five ends, but they too fought back to win by 28 shots to 16. Jan Smith, Richard Harper and Skip Rob Hazeu led from the start and won by 26 shots to 10. Jack Harper, Dave Castle and Skip Derek Henley also led from the start as they ran out winners by 23 shots to 10.
A.Pattle, J.Akers & J.Smith beat A.Cropp, C.Blakes & V.Challacombe 24-12; M.Usher, C.Hills & L.Parsley lost to A.Challacombe, B.Hill & L.Page 11-23; A.Pattle, A.Short & G.Akers beat B.Philpott, B.Bennett & M.Reeve 28-16; J.Smith, R.Harper & R.Hazeu beat G.Mitchell, I.Cogger & J.Oliver 26-10; J.Harper, D.Castle & D.Henley beat S.Grimmant, D.Hill & C.Read 23-10.

Datchworth 86 Hoddesdon Rosehill 71
Our second Mixed Friendly was played on a chilly Saturday afternoon when we visited Hoddesdon Rosehill, and came away with an 86 shot to 71 win, after winning all but one of the five Triples played. The Triple of Jenny Holzbauer, Maurice Gordon and Skip Steve Arnold were our highest winning Triple, winning by 20 shots to 10. Ian Bartlett, Janet Akers and Skip Derek Henley led 10-3 after seven ends. But then lost the next five ends, to trail by 10 shots to 13. They then won all but two of the remaining ends to win by 17 shots to 15. Jan Smith, Graham Akers and Skip Rob Hazeu had a tight game, sharing the ends 9 apiece and by picking up four shots on the final end they edged their game by 21 shots to 18. Phil Holzbauer, Ann Edwards and Skip Terry Metcalf were 8-6 up after twelve ends and 12-9 after fifteen ends. But they lost the closing three ends, including dropping one shot on the final end, to lose 12-13. Another close finish saw the Triple of Rachel Jones, George Campbell and Skip Keith Smith came from 7-13 down, with six ends to play, to draw level, at 15 all, with one end to play and by picking up one shot on the final end edge their game by 16 shots to 15.
I.Bartlett, J.Akers & D.Henley beat S.Bolt, D.Watson & K.Antoniou 17-15; J.Smith, G.Akers, R.Hazeu beat J.Bolt, J.Kennedy & R.Morris 21-18; J.Holzbauer, M.Gordon & S.Arnold beat L.Roberts, J.Robinson & M.Smith 20-10; P.Holzbauer, A.Edwards & T.Metcalf lost to J.Antoniou, A.Kennedy & R.Brown 12-13; R.Jones, G.Campbell & K.Smith beat A.Clinch, G.Bowtell & B.Fitzgerald 16-15.

Website Report for week ending 5th May 2024.

Datchworth 39 Howard Garden 62
Our only match this week was our first Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match of the season and it was played on Sunday afternoon away to Howard Garden in Letchworth, and it ended in a 39 shot to 62 defeat. Jan Smith, Ian Green, Terry Metcalf and Skip Graham Akers dropped a 5 on the first end and never recovered. They continued to drop multiple shots and were routed by 38 shots to 8. Janet Akers, Dave Castle, Keith Smith and Skip Derek Henley won five of the first six ends and led by 6 shots to 2. They were 11-8 ahead after twelve ends before winning just two of the remaining six ends to lose by one shot, 13-14. Our only winning Rink was that of Maureen Blunt, Chris Hills, George Campbell and Skip Steve Arnold. They won nine of the first twelve ends, to lead 13-3. They too only won two of the remaining six ends, but held on to win by 18 shots to 10.

J.Smith, I.Green, T.Metcalf & G.Akers lost to D.Brothers, M.Abery, C.Gee & S.Abery 8-38; J.Akers, D.Castle, K.Smith & D.Henley lost to J.Brothers, D.Weemys, S.Jordon & T.Wood 13-14; M.Blunt, C.Hills, G.Campbell & S.Arnold beat K.Graham, P.Donalson G.Liddle & P.Billson 18-10.

Website Report for week ending 12th May 2024.

Datchworth 42 Stevenage Town 45
The first of six matches for our bowlers was on Wednesday afternoon when we travelled to Stevenage to play a Mixed Friendly, which ended in a 42 shot to 45 defeat. Nicki Berry, Ian Green and Skip Maurice Gordon won twice as many ends than they lost in their 21 shots to 8 win. It was the reverse for Linda Tyler, Phil Holzbauer and Skip Phil Berry, as they lost by 8 shots to 20. It was a much tighter game for Jack Harper, Jenny Holzbauer and Skip Andy Short as they shared the ends equally in their 13 shots to 17 defeat.
N.Berry, I.Green & M.Gordon beat P.Kent, V.Williams & R.Miller 21-8; L.Tyler, P.Holzbauer & P.Berry lost to I.Thompson, J.Sweet & S.Warner 8-20; J.Harper, J.Holzbauer & A.Short lost to J.Holmes, P.Sparrow & D.Nagel 13-17.

Datchworth Blue 42 Sele Farm 24
Our second match was on Wednesday night when our Men in our Blue team took on their counterparts from Sele Farm in a Div 1 East Herts Bowls League match at our Turkey Farm green, and beat them by 42 shots to 24. Dickie Jackson, Jim Smith and Skip Les Parsley won the first two ends and never lost the lead, winning by 21 shots to 9. After sharing the first twelve ends equally Graham Akers, Derek Henley and Skip Peter Hills were 11-9 ahead, they then dropped four shots on the next end, to trail 11-13. They then picked up six shots on the fourteenth end, to lead 17-13. It was a lead they held onto till they ran out winners by 21 shots to 15.
D.Jackson, J.Smith & L.Parsley beat J.Lake, M.Jones & H.Wright 21-9; G.Akers, D.Henley & P.Hills beat P.Dougherty, P.Ottley & J.Parsley 21-15.

Datchworth 45 Parkside Woods 27
Our third match was on Thursday night when our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled to W.G.C’s. KGV Playing Fields to take on Parkside Woods in a Div. 2 match and came away following a 45 shot to 27 win. Nicki Berry, Julian Hales and Skip Steve Chamberlain lost the first end and trailed 5-11 after seven ends. They then picked up thirteen shots over the next three ends, to lead 18-11. They then lost the following four ends to trail 18-19. They finished by winning three of the closing four ends, to win by 24 shots to 21. It was an easier ride for Janet Akers, Chris Hills and Skip Phil Berry as they lost just five ends in their 21 shots to 6 win.
N.Berry, J.Hales & S.Chamberlain beat S.Brzeski, T.Wilkinson & L.Clark 24-21; J.Akers, C.Hills & P.Berry beat E.Burke, V.Hockley & I.Curry 21-6.

Datchworth Gold 34 Ware Cavers 32
Our fourth match was on Friday night when our Gold team travelled to Ware to take on their Cavers team in their first East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match, and they came away with a closely fought 34 shots to 32 win. Andy Short, Dave Castle and Skip Terry Metcalf shared the ends equally and by picking up four shots on the seventh end they took the lead 8-7. They gradually increased their lead to 16-8 after fourteen ends. But they lost the closing four ends, but held on to win by 16 shots to 13. Ian Green, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain also shared the ends equally. They trailed 3-13 after eight ends before winning all but one of the next nine ends, including picking up a six on the thirteenth end, to go into the final end 18-17 ahead. But they dropped a two on the final end, to lose by 18 shots to 19.
A.Short, D.Castle & T.Metcalf beat B.Morgan, M.Hall & J.Metcalfe 16-13; I.Green, K.Smith & S.Chamberlain lost to A.Thomas, D.Mascley & P.Green 18-19.

Datchworth 66 Shephalbury 59
Our fifth match was on Saturday afternoon, when we made the short trip down Broadhall Way, to play Shephalbury in a Mixed Friendly, with a much change team after three of the original team had to pull out and had to be replaced, and they came away with a narrow 66 shots to 59 win. Alfie Williams, Maureen Blunt and Skip Clyde Martindill had a close game. They won the first two ends, picking up one shot each time, and kept their noses in front all the way to the end, winning narrowly by 17 shots to 15. Pauline Whybrow, Andy Pattle and Skip Derek Henley were all square for the second time at 7 apiece, after eleven ends, then they won all but the closing two ends to win by 14 shots to 10. Another game, where both teams won nine ends each, involved Anna Pattle, Rachel Jones and Skip Neil Mean. After nine ends they were 7-8 down, two ends later they were 7-13 down. They were 11-20 down with three ends to play and despite winning those three ends they only picked up five more shots, so, they lost by 16 shots to 20. Lucy Williams, Daniel Williams and Skip George Campbell were level for the second time, at 11 shots each, after thirteen ends. They then went on to win all but the closing two ends to win by 19 shots to 14.
A.Williams, M.Blunt & C.Martindill beat T.Vidler, T.Roullier & A.Brown 17-15; P.Whybrow, A.Pattle & D.Henley beat P.Moore, S.Parsloe & B.Blackmore 14-10; A.Pattle, R.Jones & N.Mean lost to M.Stokes, T.Sheffield & J.Daily 16-20; L.Williams, D.Williams & G.Campbell beat K.Assender, M.Coy & M.Shelley 19-14.

Datchworth 52 Baldock Town 60
Our sixth and last match of the week was on Sunday afternoon when Baldock Town were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match, which ended in a 60 shot to 52 win for the visitors. Jan and Keith Smith, Graham Akers and Skip Steve Arnold had a close game endwise, as they shared the eighteen ends equally. They led 8-1 after four ends, but lost the next four ends, to trail 8-15. They never recovered after that and dropping a six on the eleventh end only added to their problems. They did manage to win four of the closing five ends to cut their losing deficit to 20-25. Janet Akers, Ian Williams, Richard Harper and Skip Rob Haze lost the first five ends, to trail 0-12, and despite winning five of the remaining twelve ends their losing deficit was increased to 5-28. Our only winning Rink was that of Barbara Williams, Ian Green, Steve Chamberlain and Skip Derek Henley. They restricted their opposition to just four winning ends as they raced to a 27 shot to 7 win. We also played a Friendly Rink where Jack Harper, Pauline Whybrow, Maureen Blunt and Skip Phil Holzbauer built up a lead of 14-9 after thirteen ends. But the wheels fell off of their wagon over the closing five ends as they dropped two shots on four of them. The fourth was on the last end, and it resulted in them losing 15-17.
J.Smith, K.Smith, G.Akers & S.Arnold lost to M.Undrell, J.Mutter, B.Todd & M.Parsons 20-25; J.Akers, I.Williams, R.Harper & R.Hazeu lost to J.Undrell, W.Mar, S.Andrews & P.Haskins 5-28; B.Williams, I.Green, S.Chamberlain & D.Henley beat M.Haskings, H.Chambers, C.Trussell & T.Godden 27-7. J.Harper, P.Whybrow, M.Blunt & P.Holzbauer lost to P.Parker, D.Harrington, S.Harrington & M.Haskings 15-17 on the Friendly Rink.

Website Report for week ending 19th May 2024.

Datchworth 112 West Sussex Bowls Touring Club 122
Our first match of the week was on Monday afternoon when we were the first club to host the West Sussex Bowls Touring Club for their tour of clubs in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, from their base in Bedford. The match was over seven Rinks and they were shared equally, 3 wins, 3 defeats and 1 drawn, by both clubs. But the overall shot count ended in a 122 shot to 112 win for the Tourists. Mike Usher, Maureen Blunt, Keith Smith and Skip Clyde Martindill led 10-9 after eleven ends before they lost all but one of the remaining seven ends, to lose by 14 shots to 22. Howard Carrick, Neil Mean, Maurice Gordon and Skip Chris Hills took the lead from the start and were 16-15 ahead after fourteen ends. They then trailed 16-19 after sixteen ends before picking up four shots on the penultimate end, to lead 20-19, only to drop six shots on the final end, to lose by 20-25. Jack Harper, Dave Castle, Ian Williams and Skip Jim Smith were level for the fifth time at 12 shots apiece after sixteen ends. They lost the penultimate end then picked up three shots on the final end to win by 15 shots to 13. Sue Hemmings, Phil Holzbauer, Phil Berry and Skip Steve Chamberlain won all but one of the closing seven ends, to come from 6-11 down to win by 16 shots to 12. Pauline Whybrow, Terry Metcalf, Rob Hazeu and Skip Les Parsley restricted their opposition to five winning ends as they ran out winners by 22 shots to 10. Our all-Ladies Rink of Rachel Jones, Bernadette Martindill, Jan Smith and Skip Barbara Williams dropped seven shots on the eleventh end, to go 5 shots to 15 down. They never recovered from that and eventually lost by 9 shots to 24. Ian Bartlett, Richard Brewster, Ian Green and Skip Graham Akers had the closest game of the seven and came from 13-16 down, with two ends to play, to draw level at 16 shots apiece.
M.Usher, M.Blunt, K.Smith & C.Martindill lost to G.Ray, J.Gauntlett, T.Tupper & C.Rolph 14-22; H.Carrick, N.Mean, M.Gordon & C.Hills lost to G.Dunham, D.Ford, B.Tottman & S.Tooley 20-25; J.Harper, D.Castle, I.Williams & J.Smith beat K.Mitchell, B.Brown, S.Rosebridge & D.Luxford 15-13; S.Hemmings, P.Holzbauer, P.Berry & S.Chamberlain beat S.Enticknapp, F.Sacco, G.Morgan & K.Clark 16-12; P.Whybrow, T.Metcalf, R.Hazeu & L.Parsley beat J.Bussell, B.Stanton, R.Ayling & A.Clarke 22-10; R.Jones, B.Martindill, J.Smith & B.Williams lost to D.Brockhurst, P.Chivers, M.Keane & J.Clear 9-24; I.Bartlett, R.Brewster, I.Green & G.Akers drew with B.Fitch, R.Parsons, T.Gaskin & R.Hobbs 16 all.

Both of our East Herts Bowls League teams were in action on Tuesday night. Our Blue team were away to Whit Hern Reds in a Div. 1 match and our Gold team were at home to Hertingfordbury in a Div. 2 match:
Datchworth Blue 30 Whit Hern Red 30
At Whit Hern our Blue team drew their match with Whit Hern Reds 30 shots all. Ian Bartlett, Derek Henley and Skip Peter Hills were all square for the third time after picking up four shots on the twelfth end, to make it 12 all. They won four of the next five ends, to go into the final two ends 17-14 ahead. But they lost those two ends, dropping a four and a one on the final end, to lose by 17 shots to 19. Rob Hazeu, George Campbell and Skip Jim Smith led from the off and were 13-7 ahead going into the final four ends. But they lost all four, dropping one shot each time, to have their winning margin cut to 13-11.
I.Bartlett, D.Henley & P.Hills lost to A.Pryke, I.Wood & A.Georgiou 17-19; R.Hazeu, G.Campbell & J.Smith beat A.Eggeston, M.West & M.Cullum 13-11.

Datchworth Gold 29 Hertingfordbury 40
At our Turkey Farm green our Gold team lost 29-40. Ian Green, Richard Harper and Skip Terry Metcalf dropped thirteen shots between the third and sixth end, to trail 3-16. They fought back and won seven of the remaining twelve ends and managed to reduce their shot deficit to 19-21. Dave Castle, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain lost the first five ends, to trail 0-9 and never got back in the hunt, eventually losing by 10 shots to 19.
I.Green, R.Harper & T.Metcalf lost to D.Rogers, T.Hartfield & N.Lonergan 19-21; D.Castle, K.Smith & S.Chamberlain lost to D.Solter, R.Hankin & C.Straker 10-19.

Datchworth 52 Luton West End 50
On Wednesday afternoon Luton West End were the visitors to our Turkey Farm green for a Mixed Friendly and were beaten by 52 shots to 50. Barbara Williams, Terry Metcalf and Skip Peter Hills had a relatively close game for the first twelve ends and led by just 14 shots to 11. After which they went on to win all but two of the remaining six ends to win by 26 shots to 13. Jack Harper, Chris Hills and Skip Ian Williams shared the ends equally and went into the final end 14-15 down. They dropped three shots on the final end to lose by 14 shots to 18. Mike Usher, Ian Green and Richard Harper lost the lead on the fourth end and remained behind till the end, losing by 12 shots to 19.
B.Williams, T.Metcalf & P.Hills beat P.Branford, B.Fisher & M.Marley 26-13; J.Harper, C.Hills & I.Williams lost to M.Ainsworth, J.Spendley & R.Spendley 14-18; M.Usher, I.Green & R.Harper lost to M.Brittain, P.Clemment & A.Lelliot 12-19.

From Thursday onwards our teams selected for matches were seriously affected by several of our players suffering from what can only politely be referred to as stomach upset problems. This resulted in us having to concede our match against Hemel Hempstead in the County’s Men’s Team Ten competition on Thursday night because we could not replace the four players that had to withdraw from the match.

Datchworth 49 Royston 50
It also resulted in us having to call off the Friendly Triple we had arranged to play at Royston on Saturday afternoon, in addition to our Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match, as those players were needed to replace those that had to pull out of the League team. The League match ended in a defeat by the narrowest of margins, one shot, 49-50. Keith Smith, Ann Edwards, Steve Chamberlain and Skip Les Parsley picked up three shots on the ninth end to take the lead 8-6. It was a lead they never lost, as they increased their winning margin to 22-8. Jan Smith, Terry Metcalf, Rob Hazeu and Skip Steve Arnold dropped five shots over the first two ends and despite sharing the remaining sixteen ends equally they never managed to get back those five shots and as a result they lost 12-17. It was a similar story for Maureen Blunt, Neil Mean, George Campbell and Skip Derek Henley as they too lost the end count 8-10. But after leading 13-11 after ten ends, they only won two more ends and lost by 15 shots to 25.
K.Smith, A.Edwards, S.Chamberlain & L.Parsley beat L.Powell, S.White, S.Game & C.Moore 22-8; J.Smith, T.Metcalf, R.Hazeu S.Arnold lost to D.Brown, P.Brazier, A.Tilney & R.Power-Burley 12-17; M.Blunt, N.Mean, G.Campbell & D.Henley lost to S.Brazier, S.Warner, N.Woor & G.Power-Burley 15-25.

Datchworth 47 Letchworth Garden City 51
Another narrow defeat in the Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League for us followed on Sunday afternoon as we lost 47-51 to Letchworth Garden City at their Norton Common green. Rachel Jones, Maureen Blunt, Neil Mean and Skip Steve Chamberlain trailed from the start and found themselves 9-13 down with five ends to play. They won the first three ends of those five to lead 15-13, with two ends to play. They dropped a four on the penultimate end, to go 15-17 down with one end to play. They picked up five shots on that end to win by 20 shots to 17. Howard Carrick, Linda Tyler, Ian Williams and Skip Derek Henley were level for the fourth time, at 16 shots apiece on the penultimate end. But they dropped a shot on the final end to lose by 16 shots to17. Barbara Williams, Dave Castle, Richard Harper and Skip Peter Hills were level for the fifth time, at 8 shots apiece, after thirteen ends. They then went 10-11 down with two ends to play. They unexpectedly dropped a six on the penultimate end, after only one or two shots had been picked up on all the previous ends, before picking up a shot on the final end to lose by 11 shots to 17.
R.Jones, M.Blunt, N.Mean & S.Chamberlain beat S.Sinclair, A.Sparkes, C.Ottaway & K.Castle 20-17; H.Carrick, L.Tyler, I.Williams & D.Henley lost to J.Rogan, J.Sparkes, P.Bailey & T.Sinclair 16-17; B.Williams, D.Castle, R.Harper & P.Hills lost to B.Rogan, L.Bailey, C.Ottaway & H.Castle 11-17.

Website Report for week ending 26 th May 2024.

Datchworth 51 Co-Op Luton 63
Our first, and what turned out to be our only mid-week match of the week, was on a somewhat damp a rainy Tuesday afternoon at Co-Op Luton’s green, which ended in a 51 shot to 63 defeat for us, after the match was reduced to fifteen ends because of the persistent rain. As we were one player short, one of the Triples was played as a Pairs game, with two of Co-Op’s players sharing the match at Lead. Annette Hutchinson, Howard Carrick and Skip Steve Arnold lost just five ends in their 21 shot to 8 win. Jack Harper and Skip Terry Metcalf, playing the Pairs game, trailed for most of their game until they won four of the closing five ends to win by 16 shots to 12. Celia Gordon, Phil Holzbauer and Skip Chris Hill were 7 shots apiece after nine ends, but won just two of the closing six ends, to lose by 11 shots to 15. John Gordon, Richard Hutchinson and Skip Steve Chamberlain struggled throughout their game and it was not until the tenth end that they got on the scoreboard. They eventually lost by 3 shots to 28.
A.Hutchinson, H.Carrick & S.Arnold beat A.Grace, K.Brooks & M.Vardy 21-8; J.Harper & T.Metcalf beat B.Morris/T.Phillips & T.Brooks 16-12; C.Gordon, P.Holzbauer & C.Hills lost to A.Clifford, R.Hough & S.Clarke 11-15; J.Gordon, R.Hutchinson & S.Chamberlain lost to B.Wood, J.Muskett & M.Hubbooks 3-28.

Our Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match at Aston and our Blue Team’s East Herts Bowls League Div. 1 match at Hertford on Wednesday night were postponed because of the weather playing havoc with the club’s greens. Our Men had a Bye in the 1 st Round of the County’s Men’s Team Championship competition on Thursday night.

On Friday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team were given their match against Parkside Greens, in the League’s Jubilee Cup competition, as they could not field a full team.

Datchworth 73 Potters Bar 81
On Saturday afternoon we travelled to Potters Bar for a Mixed Friendly, and due to a combination of members being on holiday and recovering from various operations, we had to borrow four home players to make up our numbers. Despite that home green knowledge, we lost three of the five Rinks played, and the game by 73 shots to 81. Sue Ellis, Terry Barker, Terry Metcalf and Skip Steve Chamberlain were 6-10 down after ten ends then they picked up eight shots over the next two ends, to lead 14-10. It was a lead they never lost as they won by 18 shots to 14. John Ellis, Les Chasson, Ann Edwards and Skip Dave Castle were 1-7 down after five ends and despite winning eight of the closing thirteen ends they lost by 12 shots to 16. Linda Tyler, Pam Barker, Neil Mean and Skip Steve Arnold were just 9- 11 down with four ends to play, but they dropped eleven shots on the first three of these ends and picked up just two shots on the final end to lose by 11 shots to 22. Mike Usher, Rupert Maxim, Maureen Blunt and Skip Rob Hazeu lost only five ends as they cruised to a 27 shot to 5 win. Ian Tyler, Rachel Jones, Richard Brewster and Skip Derek Henley did the reverse as they won only five ends and crashed to a 5 shot to 24 loss.
S.Ellis, T.Barker, T.Metcalf & S.Chamberlain beat J.Cardow, B.Cocksedge, J.O’Hagan & J.Southwell 18-14; J.Ellis, L.Chesson, A.Edwards & D.Castle lost to A.Harrison, E.To, B.Finch & M.Eccleshall 12-16; L.Tyler, P.Barker, N.Mean & S.Arnold lost to P.Archer, J.Shine, M.Brennan & C.Budden 11-22; M.Usher, R.Maxim, M.Blunt & R.Hazeu beat R.Hamshere, M.Archer, L.Oldham & D.Sparrow, 27-5; I.Tyler, R.Jones, R.Brewster & D.Henley lost to B.Benson, W.Clark, M.Sharon & B.Woodman 5-24.

Datchworth v Harperbury
This match was the fourth casualty of the week as Harperbury struggled to get a full team out and were forced to cancel the match.

Website Report for week ending 2 nd June 2024.

Datchworth 60 North Herts 53
We travelled to Letchworth Garden City on Wednesday afternoon to play North Herts in a Mixed Friendly on their Norton Common green and came away with a 60 shot to 53 win. Jack Harper, Lucy Williams and Skip Barbara Williams had a close game as far as ends won were concerned, as they only won two more ends than they lost; but they picked up more multiple shots than they dropped and won by 18 shots to 10 as a result. It was an even closer game, endwise, and result wise, for Linda Tyler, Sue Ellis and Skip Keith Smith. They shared the ends equally and lost narrowly 14-16. It was yet another close game for John Ellis, Jan Smith and Skip Terry Metcalf as they also shared the end equally and edged a win by 17 shots to 15. Not to be left out Alfie Williams, Ian Tyler and Skip Ian Williams also shared the ends equally, but they lost by the odd shot 11-12.
J.Harper, L.Williams & B.Williams beat S.Fields, C.Tony & D.Gilder 18-10; L.Tyler, S.Ellis & K.Smith lost to R.Glenn, S.Douglas & J.Atkinson 14-16; J.Ellis, J.Smith & T.Metcalf beat L.Staples, A.O’Mahoney & B.Hutchings 17-15; A.Williams, I.Tyler & I.Williams lost to M.Summerville, T.Glenn & G.Tebbutt 11-12.

Datchworth Blue 28 Buntingford Bears 30
On Friday night our Blue team were at home to a strong Buntingford Bears team in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 1 match and were beaten by 30 shots to 28. Dickie Jackson, Rob Hazeu and Skip Les Parsley won twice as many ends as they lost as they won by 14 shots to 7. Ian Bartlett, Steve Arnold and Skip Peter Hills shared the ends equally but could not find a consistent line and length, and dropping nine shots over three ends midway through their game did not help matters, and was the difference between the sides, as they lost by 14 shots to 23.
D.Jackson, R.Hazeu & L.Parsley beat M.Murphy, B.Bushell & R.Murphy 14-7; I.Bartlett, S.Arnold & P.Hills lost to G.May, D.Murphy & T.Keeling 14-23.

Datchworth v Welwyn Woods
This home Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League match was postponed on Friday night at the request of the visitors.

Datchworth 47 Whitethorn 58
On Saturday afternoon we played our first of two home Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League matches of the weekend against Whitethorn and it ended in a 47 shot to 53 defeat. The tea-break did nothing to help Maureen Blunt, Keith Smith, Neil Mean and Skip Steve Arnold. They won the first end after the break, to go 10-9 ahead, but by the time they won their next end they were 10-18 down. They did win two of the closing three ends but still lost by 13 shots to 22. Rachel Jones, Julian Hales, George Campbell and Skip Les Parsley shared the ends equally and were 17-15 ahead with two ends to play. They lost both of those ends to lose by 17 shots to 19. The tea-break did not do Jan Smith, Ann Edwards, Ian Green and Skip Derek Henley any favours either. They picked up three shots on the first end after the break, to lead 13-9, but were pulled back to all square three times after that. The third time was when they dropped a shot on the final end, to draw 17 shots apiece. According to the
League rules they had to play an extra end, which they lost, and the point for winning the Rink went to the visitors.
M.Blunt, K.Smith, N.Mean & S.Arnold lost to R.Devine, L.Morley, A.Fabris & G.Blackbourn 13-22; R.Jones, J.Hales, G.Campbell & L.Parsley lost to D.Ward, S.Worsley, D.Marr & T.Pinchin 17-19; J.Smith, A.Edwards, I.Green & D.Henley drew with C.Conlon, D.Nicholls. C.Morley & B.Chaudhery 17 all.

Datchworth 38 Howard Garden 74
On Sunday afternoon we played, and lost, our second home Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match of the weekend, when we lost 38-74 to Howard Garden. Sue Ellis, Jack Harper, Barbara Williams and Skip Ian Williams had a tight game for the first eight ends, when the score was all square at 8 shots apiece. After that they only won three more ends to lose by 15 shots to 23. It was a similar story for Chris Hills, Howard Carrick, Maureen Blunt and Skip Steve Arnold. After eight ends they were just 6-9 down. After that they only won two more ends as they crashed to a 10 shot to 29 defeat. This story was repeated again for Jan Smith, John Ellis, Keith Smith and Skip Derek Henley. Despite winning five of the first eight ends, they were 6-9 down. After that they won four more ends, to share the ends equally, but lost by 13 shots to 22.
S.Ellis, J.Harper, B.Williams & I.Williams lost to J.Brothers, D.Weemys, S.Jordon & P.Billson 15-23; C.Hills, H.Carrick, M.Blunt & S.Arnold lost to M.Carrod, D.Brothers, I.Marvell & T.Wood 10-29; J.Smith, J.Ellis, K.Smith & D.Henley lost to A.Bell, P.Donalson, M.Abery & S.Abery 13-22.

Website Report for week ending 9th June 2024.

Datchworth 77 Shire Park 66
On Tuesday afternoon we made the short trip to Tewin to play Shire Park in a Mixed Friendly and returned home after a 77 shot to 66 win. Ann Edwards, Keith Smith and Skip Ian Williams won just three of the first ten ends and trailed 5-12 as a result. Then, although they won five of the closing eight ends they lost by 13 shots to 19. Barbara Williams, Ian Green and Skip George Campbell won just six of the eighteen ends and lost by six shots 17-23, thanks mainly to dropping six shots with two ends to play. Jan Smith, Neil Mean and Skip Clyde Martindill lost just five ends as they ran away with a 27 shot to 5 win. Howard Carrick, Bernadette Martindill and Skip Terry Metcalf lost the first four ends, to trail 0-7. They then went 3-14 down after eight ends. They then went on to win all but four of the remaining ten ends and with the help of picking up two fives they edged their game by the odd shot 20-19.
A.Edwards, K.Smith & I.Williams lost to A.Hamid, L.Draycott & B.Wright 13-19; B.Williams, I.Green & G.Campbell lost to A.Childs, C.Wright & G.Edwards 17-23; J.Smith, N.Mean & C.Martindill beat C.Griggs, T.Crane & B.Draycott 27-5; H.Carrick, B.Martindill & T.Metcalf beat C.Goode, R.Griggs & B.Kleiser 20-19.

Datchworth 75 Riverain 86
On Wednesday night we took on Riverain in Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League’s Knock Out competition, with two Mixed Triples at home and two away, and it ended in a 75 shot to 86 defeat. At our Turkey Farm green Barbara Williams, George Campbell and Skip Derek Henley had just a one shot lead, 8-7, after eight ends. After that they won six of the remaining ten ends, picking up multiple shots on all but one of those ends, to win by 31 shots to 12. It was a completely different story for Maureen Blunt, Ian Williams and Skip Steve Arnold as they were completely out-bowled, winning just four ends, as they were crushed by 31 shots to 5. At Riverain Jan and Keith Smith and Skip Terry Metcalf won seven ends, picking a single shot on all but one of those ends, while dropping multiple shots on all but one of the eleven ends they lost, to lose by 8 shots to 25. Lucy and Daniel Williams and Skip Steve Chamberlain were the third Triple to score 31 shots over their eighteen ends on the night, as they won by 31 shots to 18 after multiple shots were picked up on all but four ends of their game.
B.Williams, G.Campbell & D.Henley beat J.Jarrett, S.Bradbury & D.Jefferies 31-12; M.Blunt, I.Williams & S.Arnold lost to D.Truscott, A.Weaver & R.Else 5-31; J.Smith, K.Smith & T.Metcalf lost to A.Tresise, T.Boon & G.Brown 8-25; L.Williams, D.Williams & S.Chamberlain beat R.Cocks, D.Stephenson & M.Gray 31-18.

Datchworth Gold v Aston
This East Herts Bowls League Div 2 match on Wednesday night was postponed at the request of Aston.

Datchworth 37 Welwyn Wanderers 29
On Thursday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled to Welwyn and District’s Ottway Walk green to take on their Wanderers team in a Div. 2 match and came away with a 37 shot to 29 win. Anna Pattle, Dave Castle and Skip Clyde Martindill picked up a six on the seventh to lead 9-7. After than they won all but four of the remaining nine ends to extend their winning margin to 23 shots to 13. Andy Pattle, Jan Smith and Skip Chris hills and a somewhat topsy-turvy game. They trailed 0-8 after five ends, then got their act together to lead 14-11 after fifteen ends. They then lost the remaining three ends to lose by 14 shots to 16.
A.Pattle, D.Castle & C.Martindill beat S.Bassett, J.Roper & L.Page 23-13; A.Pattle J.Smith & C.Hills lost to C.Moore, S.Grimmant & T.Parmes 14-16.

Datchworth 35 Townsend 45
On Friday afternoon we travelled to St Albans to play Townsend in a Mixed Friendly and were beaten by 45 shots to 35. In the game involving Pauline Whybrow, Chris Hills and Skip Ian Williams the lead changed hands for the sixth time after they picked up one shot on the twelfth end, to lead 9-8. They then held on to that lead to win by 13 shots to 11. Barbara Williams, Andy Short and Skip Julian Hales were 10 shots to 8 up after eleven ends but then won just one of the remaining seven ends to lose by 11 shots to 21. Jack Harper, Maureen Blunt and Skip Derek Henley lost the end-count 8-10 and their game 11-13 after dropping two single shots over the final two ends.
P.Whybrow, C.Hills & I.Williams beat A.Alcock, B.Padget & C.Martindill 13-11; B.Williams, A.Short & J.Hales lost to B.Martindill, J.Oakey & T.Marriott 11-21; J.Harper, M.Blunt & D.Henley lost to J.Marriott, G.Clapworthy & A.Scarborough 11-13.

Datchworth Blue v Hertford
This East Herts Bowls League Div 1 match on Friday night was postponed at the request of Hertford.

Datchworth 125 Buntingford 51
We were on our travels again on Saturday afternoon for another Mixed Friendly, when we travelled to Buntingford and came away following a comfortable 125 shot to 51 win. Phil Holzbauer, Jan Smith and Skip Terry Metcalf picked up five shots on the fourth end, to lead 9-1. It was a lead they never lost as they won by 17 shots to 12. John Ellis, Ann Edwards and Skip Derek Henley won just four more ends than they lost, but they picked up nearly twice as many shots than they dropped, in their 27 shots to 14 win. Pauline Whybrow, Neil Mean and Skip Les Parsley won twice as many ends than they lost, but they won by over twice as many shots than they dropped, in their 29 shots to 11 win. It was an even bigger end-count win and game win for Sue Ellis, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain as they won by 31 shots to 5. Maureen Blunt, Richard Brewster and Skip Julian Hales were just 9-6 ahead after eleven ends before they went on to win all but one of the closing seven ends, to win by 21 shots to 9.
P.Holzbauer, J.Smith & T.Metcalf beat J.Jones, T.Cooper & R.Penton 17-12; J.Ellis, A.Edwards & D.Henley beat P.Jackson, R.Bantick & J.Collins 27-14; P.Whybrow, N.Mean & L.Parsley beat L.Clear, I.Burt & D.Clifton 29-11; S.Ellis, K.Smith & S.Chamberlain beat S.Greaves, A.Zolnierwicz & C.Greaves 31-5; M.Blunt, R.Brewster & J.Hales beat S.Batchelor, M.Higgs & D.Bantick 21-9.

Sunday was or Open Fours competition, with two Quarter Finals played in the morning session and the Semi Final played in the afternoon. In the morning session, Alfie Williams, Maureen Blunt, Peter Hills and Skip Steve Arnold taking on Lucy Williams, Ruby Williams, George Campbell and Skip Terry Metcalf. Their game was all square for the fifth time after thirteen ends, with the score at 9 shots apiece. After that the Williams, Campbell and Metcalf four won all but two of the remaining seven ends, to win by 21 shots to 13, following the Williams, Blunt, Hills and Arnold four conceding the game, needing to pick up 8 shots to force an extra end. It was a similar story for the game between Stuart Hay, Ann Edwards, Neil Mean and Skip Les Parsley, as they conceded their game against Linda Tyler, Dave Castle, Dickie Jackson and Skip Derek Henley. They won just two ends out of the closing twelve ends after the scores were 7 shots apiece after eight ends, to lose by 9 shots to 25. In the afternoon Semi Finals, the Williams, Campbell and Metcalf four took on the four of Barbara Williams, Chris Hills, Ian Williams and Skip Daniel Williams. After picking up eleven shots over the eight to tenth ends, the Williams and Hills four stretched their lead to 7-19. After that they continued to outscore their opponents to win by 29 shots to 13, after the Williams, Campbell and Metcalf four conceded the game. The only game of the day not to be concede was the Semi Final between the Tyler, Castle, Jackson and Henley four took on Jan Smith, Julian Hales, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain. The Smith, Hales and Chamberlain four took the lead on the eight end and held onto it until they dropped three shots on the nineteenth end, to trail 16-14. They then won the closing two ends to draw level at 16 shot apiece, forcing an extra end to be played. Linda Tyler put her first wood within 4 inched of the Jack and try as they may the Smith, Hales and Chamberlain could not move it, so the Tyler, Castle, Jackson and Henley four took the game by that shot, 17-16. The two winning Fours now go on to meet each other in our Finals Weekend over the 24th and 25th August.

Website Report for week ending 16th June 2024.

Datchworth 53 Hertford 45
On Monday night our Men took on their counterparts from Hertford in the County’s Men’s Club Championship on our own Turkey Farm green and beat them by 53 shots to 45. Daniel Williams, Phil Holzbauer, Terry Metcalf and Skip Steve Arnold were involved in a tight game and led all but two of the ends played. They were 16-13 ahead with two ends to play before dropping a shot on each of those ends, to win by 16 shots to 15. Alfie Williams, Maurice Gordon, Keith Smith and Skip Derek Henley led from the start and picking up five shots on the fourteenth end stretched their lead to 16-10. The final four ends were shared equally as they won by 19 shots to 12. Dickie Jackson, Phil Berry, Steve Chamberlain and Skip Peter Hills were involved in a game of four “halves.” They won the first of those by 10 shots to 1. At the end of the second they found themselves 10 shots to 11 down. They re-took the lead 18-11 at the end of the third. They then lost the final three ends to draw their game 18 all at the end of the fourth “half.”
D.Williams, P.Holzbauer, T.Metcalf & S.Arnold beat T.Gardner, A.Costin, M.Toynton & C.Sage 16-15; A.Williams, M.Gordon, K.Smith & D.Henley beat J.Sapsed, C.Millard, A.Warren & D.MacKenzie 19-12; D.Jackson, P.Berry, S.Chamberlain & P.Hills drew with J.Moore, B.Emsley, M.Rowe & V.Greenberg 18 all.

On Tuesday we played two matches, the first was a Mixed Friendly at home to Hitchin Town in the afternoon and the second was another home match, this time for our Blue team against Ware Maltsters.

Datchworth 57 Hitchin Town 74
We lost our match against Hitchin by 57 shots to 74. Linda Tyler, Jan Smith and Skip Phil Berry won just six ends in their 9 shot to 24 loss. Jack Harper, Nicki Berry and Skip Keith Smith won the first five ends, to lead 9-0. It was a lead they never lost as they ran out winners by 21 shots to 10. Jim Whittle, Ian Tyler and Skip Ian Williams shared the ends equally and were just 12-14 down with four ends to play, but dropping nine shots, while picking up just three over the closing four ends saw them lose by 15 shots to 23. Mike Usher, Barbara Williams and Skip Julian Hales won three of the first ten ends and trailed 3-13 as a consequence. They then picked up five shots on the final end to lose by 12 shots to 17.
L.Tyler, J.Smith & P.Berry lost to M.Collins, A.Newbury & P.McKenzie 9-24; J.Harper, N.Berry & K.Smith beat P.Newbury, C.Balaam & K.Loosemore 21-10; J.Whittle, I.Tyler & I.Williams lost to G.Munge, M.Balaam & K.Loosemore 15-23; M.Usher, B.Williams & J.Hales lost to R.Thorpe, T.Loosemore & B.Cook 12-17.

Datchworth Blue 33 Ware Maltsters 19
Our Blue team won both Triples in their match against Ware Maltsters, to win by 33 shots to 19. Dickie Jackson, Les Parsley and Skip Derek Henley won the first four ends, to lead 7-0. It was a lead they never lost as they won by 19 shots to 8. George Campbell, Steve Arnold and Skip Peter Hills had a close game end-wise, as they were shared equally. As they picked up more multiple shots than they dropped, that led them to winning by 14 shots to 11.
D.Jackson, L.Parsley & D.Henley beat G.Conn, M.Dudley & M.Gray 19-8; G.Campbell, S.Arnold & P.Hills beat B.Hammond, S.Emmett & M.Judd 14-11.

Datchworth 46 W.G.C. Crusaders 30
Our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team were at home to Welwyn Garden City’s Crusaders team on Wednesday night and beat them by 46 shots to 30. Jack Harper, Barbara Williams and Skip Clyde Martindill took the lead 7-4 on the fifth end, after picking up three shots. They continued to add to their lead to the end, winning by 22 shots to 12. Roger Tomlinson, Bernadette Martindill and Skip Ian Williams won five ends on the trot, to go from 5-8 down to 17-8 up, from the seventh to the eleventh end. Despite losing four of the remaining seven ends, they held onto their lead to win by 24 shots to 18.
J.Harper, B.Williams & C.Martindill beat D. , B.Hughes & K. 22-12; R.Tomlinson, B.Martindill & I.Williams beat T.Hughes, T.Stuart & S.Livingstone 24-18.

Datchworth Gold 30 Cheshunt 38
On what was forecast to be a wet Thursday night, which did not materialise, until the end of the match, our Gold team took on Cheshunt in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match on our Turkey Farm green and were beaten by 30 shots to 38. Andy Short, Dave Castle and Skip Clyde Martindill went from 4-7 down, after seven ends, to 11-7 up, after winning five ends on the trot, after twelve ends. The closing six ends were shared equally as they held on to win by 18 shots to 14. Phil Berry, Julian Hales and Skip Ian Williams lost four more ends than they won, but dropped twice as many shots than they won, in their 12 shots to 24 loss.
A.Short, D.Castle & C.Martindill beat P.Keable, T.Whitebread & D.Crudgington 18-14; P.Berry, J.Hales & I.Williams lost to G.Mackinson, P.Wilkinson & R.Hills 12-24.

Datchworth Ladies v Riverain Ladies
This match was postponed at the request of Riverain as they could not field a full team. It has been rearranged for later in July.

Datchworth 54 Standon and Puckeridge 41
On a rain free night Friday night Standon and Puckeridge were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Mixed Friendly which we won by 54 shots to 41. Nicki Berry, Keith Smith and Skip Richard Brewster came from 7-10 down after ten ends to win by 20 shots to 14 after eighteen ends. Jack Harper, Phil Berry and Skip Chris Hills’ game was level for the fourth time at 13 shots apiece with three ends to play. They won the first two of those ends, to lead 15-13, but then dropped a three on the final end, to lose by 15 shots to 16. Howard Carrick, Jan Smith and Skip Maurice Gordon built up an 8-1 lead after five ends and held onto that lead until they ran out 19 shots to 11 winners.
N.Berry, K.Smith & R.Brewster beat J.Hatherly, G.Gomez & R.Blakes 20-14; J.Harper, P.Berry & C.Hills lost to J.Gomez, P.Mumford & A.Mansfield 15-16; H.Carrick, J.Smith & M.Gordon beat S.Paterson, T.Pointer & F.Beard 19-11.

Datchworth 34 St Ippolytts 71
Our losing streak in the Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League continued over the weekend, with two matches played and two matches lost. Our first was on Saturday afternoon when St Ippolytts were the visitors to the Turkey Farm and returned home after a 71 shot to 34 win. Phil Holzbauer, Linda Tyler, Steve Chamberlain and Skip Derek Henley were still in the hunt after twelve ends, with the score standing at 14-8 in favour of the visitors. But they lost the remaining six ends to be beaten by 8 shots 25. Jan Smith, Ian Tyler, Rob Hazeu and Skip Les Parsley were 14 apiece with three ends to go but they lost all of those to lose by 14 shots to 22. It did not get any better for Howard Carrick, Ann Edwards, Julian Hales and Skip Peter Hills. They led 9-5 after eight ends, then they went on and won just two more ends and lost by 12 shots to 24.
P.Holzbauer, L.Tyler, S.Chamberlain & D.Henley lost to B.Impey, L.Johnstone, J.Godfrey & C.Davidson 8-25; J.Smith, I.Tyler, R.Hazeu & L.Parsley lost to D.Southall, H.Southall, P.Moodey & C.Childs 14-22; H.Carrick, A.Edwards, J.Hales & P.Hills lost to C.Farmer, R.Orchard, I.Hanks & J.Dudley 12-24.

Datchworth 41 Three Horseshoes 55
Our second defeat of the weekend came on Sunday afternoon as we travelled down Broadhall Way to play Three Horseshoes, and came away following a 41 shot to 55 defeat. Lucy Williams, Sue Ellis, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Arnold had a close game and trailed for all but three of the eighteen ends played. After drawing level at 14 apiece with two ends to play, they dropped two on the first of those ends and picked up one shot on the final end to lose by 15 shots to 16. Alfie Williams, Jan Smith, Graham Akers and Skip Steve Chamberlain dropped a six on the second end, to trail 0-8. They then went on to share the remaining sixteen ends equally, but never caught up; losing by 10 shots to 21. Chris Hills, Jack Harper, Daniel Williams and Skip Derek Henley lost the first three ends, to trail 0-6, and despite winning ten of the remaining fifteen ends, including picking up five shots on the final end, they could not stop themselves losing by 16 shots to 18.
L.Williams, S.Ellis, K.Smith & S.Arnold lost to M.Cooper, S.Parsloe, K.Lovelock & S.Roles 15-16; A.Williams, J.Smith, G.Akers & S.Chamberlain lost to S.Cole, K.Fincham, D.Wilkinson & C.Cole 10-21; C.Hills, J.Harper, D.Williams & D.Henley lost to K.Wilkinson, T.Vidler, B.Edwards & P.Dale 16-18.

Website Report for week ending 23rd June 2024.

On Monday night our East Herts Bowls League team had a Bye in the League’s Ranson Cup’s Preliminary Round.

Datchworth 31 Welwyn Woods 38
Therefore, our first match of the week was the re-arranged Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League Div. 2 home match against Welwyn Woods on Monday night and it ended in a 31 shot to 38 defeat. Barbara Williams, Jan Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain lost the first four ends, to trail 0-6. They fought back and took the lead 10-9 after eleven ends. They held on to that lead until they dropped a three on the sixteenth end, to trail 14-16. They then lost the final two ends to lose by 14 shots to 21. Howard Carrick, Keith Smith and Skip Julian Hales trailed from the start, but took the lead, 10-6, after picking up four shots on the seventh end. They held onto that lead until they dropped five shots on the penultimate end, to trail 16-17. They then picked up one shot on the final end to draw their game 17 shots apiece.
B.Williams, J.Smith & S.Chamberlain lost to I.Cogger, D.Hill & J.Oliver 14-21; H.Carrick, K.Smith & J.Hales drew with C.Blakes, D.Blakes & C.Read 17 all.

Datchworth Blue 42 W.G.C. Lions 23
On Wednesday night our Blue team travelled to Welwyn Garden City’s Digswell Park green to take on their Lions team in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 1 match, and came away with a 42 shot to 23 win. Ian Bartlett, Dickie Jackson and Skip Peter Hills led 4-1 after three ends, but six losing ends later they trailed 4-10. Despite winning four of the closing nine ends their losing deficit was increased to 10-20. Things did not start well for the Graham Akers, Steve Arnold and Skip Les Parsley Triple, as Les Parsley had to withdraw before the trial ends had been completed, as he pulled a muscle in his calf. That meant that the team’s Reserve, Rob Hazeu was brought in and Steve Arnold took over as Skip. That was as bad as it got for the Triple, as they found their line and length much better than the home Triple, winning all but three ends in their 32 shot to 3 win.
I.Bartlett, D.Jackson & P.Hills lost to C.Parkhouse, I.Stone & J.Avery 10-20; G.Akers, R.Hazeu & S.Arnold beat J.Molson, G.Frost & K.Avenell 32-3.

Datchworth 29 Bengeo 29
On Thursday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team were in action again, this time they were playing Bengeo in the League’s Jubilee Cup K.O. competition. With one Triple at home and one away they won a very tight match by winning the extra end, played at Bengeo, after they won the home leg and lost the away leg by 10 shots. The home Triple of Jan Smith, Ann Edwards and Skip Steve Chamberlain won five of the first six ends, to lead 6-1. It was a lead they never lost as they went on to win by 20 shots to 10. The away Triple of Rachel Jones, Chris Hills and Skip Terry Metcalf were just 8-10 down with five ends to play, but they lost all but the final end, when they picked up one shot, to lose by 9 shots to 19. They then played an extra end, as the competition rules dictate that an extra end is played at the “home” club’s green, just in case the overall scores are level. They won the extra end, and the match, as the overall scores were 29 shots apiece.
J.Smith, A.Edwards & S.Chamberlain beat K.White, A.Moyle & E.Mahon 20-10; R.Jones, C.Hills & T.Metcalf lost to T.Barber, C.Storey & M.Saggers 9-19.

Datchworth Gold 15 Aston 42
On Friday night our Gold team travelled to Aston for an East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match and were comfortably beaten by 42 shots to 15. Andy Short, Dave Castle and Skip Julian Hales picked up five shots on the third end, to lead 5-4, but that was about as good as it got for them as they only won another four ends as they were beaten by 20 shots to 9. It was not much better for Ian Green, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain as they won just four ends as they too were beaten heavily by 22 shots to 6.
A.Short, D.Castle & J.Hales lost to N.Jenkins, S.Mahoney & D.Noble 9-20; I.Green, K.Smith & S.Chamberlain lost to M.Allinson, E.O’Hanlon & D.Smith 6-22.

On Saturday we ran our Triples K.O. competition, where eight Triples played the Quarter Finals in the morning and the Semi Finals in the afternoon. The Quarter Final between Janet Akers, Daniel Williams and Skip Graham Akers up against Alfie Williams (one of our two Junior Members), Richard Harper and Skip Steve Arnold was a relatively tight low scoring affair with one shot picked up on fourteen of the eighteen ends played. The Akers’ Triple won the first two ends and the Arnold Triple chased their tails till the end and lost by 10 shots to 13. Howard Carrick, Ian Bartlett and Skip Steve Chamberlain led Linda Tyler, Julian Hales and Skip Derek Henley from the second end till they were caught at 15 shots apiece after fifteen ends. They then dropped two shots on the next end before picking up two threes on the final two ends, to win by 21 shots 17. Despite losing the end-count 8-10, Lucy Williams, Dickie Jackson and Skip Rob Hazeu dropped too many shots to Phil Holzbauer, Neil Mean and Skip Ian Green and as a result they lost by 15 shots to 25. Jan Smith, Terry Metcalf and Skip Les Parsley drew level with Ruby Williams (a morning substitute and the second of our Junior Members), Rachel Jones and Skip Dave Castle at 9 shots apiece on the thirteenth end. After that they went on to win four of the closing five ends to win by 18 shots to 11. The first Semi Final to finish was that between Les Parsley’s Triple and Ian Green’s Triple. After picking up just one shot on each of the five ends they won the Ian Green Triple had to concede the game to Les Parsley’s after they dropped a shot on the sixteenth end to lose by 26 shots to 5. It was a much different story for the second Semi Final where the Derek Henley Triple led the Steve Chamberlain Triple 13-0 after five ends. But the Steve Chamberlain Triple fought back, changed the Jack length and went on to win all but three of the remaining thirteen ends and take the Semi Final by 21 shots to 18, after picking up three shots over the final two ends. The two winning Semi Finalist now go onto play each other in our Club Finals at the end of August.
Quarter Finals:
J.Akers, D.Williams & G.Akers beat A.Williams, R.Harper & S.Arnold 13-10; H.Carrick, I.Bartlett & S.Chamberlain beat L.Tyler, J.Hales & D.Henley 21-17; P.Holzbauer, N.Mean & I.Green beat L.Williams, D.Jackson & R.Hazeu 25-15; J.Smith, T.Metcalf & L.Parsley beat R.Williams, R.Jones & D.Castle 18-11.
Semi Finals: J.Smith, T.Metcalf & L.Parsley beat P.Holzbauer, N.Mean & I.Green 26-5; H.Carrick, I.Bartlett & S.Chamberlain beat J.Akers, D.Williams & G.Akers 21-18.

Datchworth 51 Letchworth Garden City 39
After losing our first eight matches, on Sunday afternoon we got our first win in the Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League, when we managed to beat Letchworth Garden City by 51 shots to 39 on our own Turkey Farm green, after winning all three Rinks, two of them by the narrowest of margins. Jan Smith, Richard Harper, George Campbell and Skip Derek Henley led from the off but were eventually caught at 16 shots apiece with two ends to play. They dropped a two on the penultimate end then picked up a two of their own on the final end, to draw level at 18 shots apiece. They then played an extra end, as the League rules dictate. They won the extra end to get the point for winning the Rink. Maureen Blunt, Graham Akers, Steve Chamberlain and Skip Peter Hills also led from the off, they too got caught, but with just one end to play, at 14 shots apiece. They then picked up one shot on the final end, to win by 15 shots to 14. But, as they were playing against a Triple a 3 shot deduction, again, as the League rules dictate, had to be made to their opposition’s score, meaning they won by 15 shots to 11. Chris Hills, Maurice Gordon, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Arnold had a somewhat easier time of it by comparison, as they won twice as many ends than they lost as they ran out winners by 18 shots to 10.
J.Smith, R.Harper, G.Campbell & D.Henley drew with J.Rogan, P.Bailey, A.Sparkes & K.Castle 18 all; M.Blunt, G.Akers, S.Chamberlain & P.Hills beat B.Hart, J.Moynes & H.Castle 15-11; C.Hills, M.Gordon, K.Smith & S.Arnold beat L.Bailey, D.Collier, P.Simmons & B.Rogan 18-10.

Website Report for week ending 30th June 2024.

Datchworth v Parkside Woods
This Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League match, on Monday night, was postponed at the request of the Parkside team and will be played later in the season.

Datchworth Women 15 Hertford 2 Women 22
On Tuesday night our Women were playing their first Women’s County League match of the season at home to Hertford 2 Women. Rachel Jones, Nickie Berry, Janet Akers and Skip Jan Smith had a good first half as they led 11-7 after nine ends. After that they only won three more ends as the visitors fought back to win by 22 shots to 15.
R.Jones, N.Berry, J. Akers & J.Smith lost to T.Sage, L.Tattersall, A.Barrett & S.Winglove 15-22.

On Wednesday night both of our East Herts Bowls League teams had matches against Welwyn and District teams. Our Div. 1 Blue team played W & D’s Stags team at home, while our Div. 2 Gold team were away to W & D’s Bucks team.

Datchworth Blue 30 Welwyn Stags 31
At our Turkey Farm green our Blue lost a closely contested match by one shot, 30-31. Dickie Jackson, Derek Henley and Skip Les Parsley were 9-12 down with five ends to play. They won the first four of those ends, to lead 16-12. They dropped one shot on the final end to win by 16 shots to 13. At that point George Campbell, Steve Arnold and Skip Peter Hills were 10-14 down, with two ends to play. With his last wood of the end, and his Triple shots down, Peter Hills moved the Jack backwards and they held four shots. That meant the scores were level at 14 shots apiece, with one end to play, and the Blue team were three shots ahead. On the final end with the Stags’ Skip Phil Russell having his, and the match’s, final wood to bowl, his triple were holding three shots, meaning that the match would have been drawn. But his wood came into the head, and with the help of another wood knocked one of their woods further into the head and they ended up holding four shots, enough for them to win 18-14 and the match by one shot 31-30.
D.Jackson, D.Henley & L.Parsley beat L.Tye, K.Knowles & C.Valle 16-13; G.Campbell, S.Arnold & P.Hills lost to P.Bowyer, J.Oliver & P.Russell 14-18.

Datchworth Gold 18 Welwyn Bucks 51
At W & D’s Ottway Walk green our Gold team were heavily beaten 53-18 by the Bucks team. Andy Short, Julian Hales and Skip Steve Chamberlain had a tight game for twelve ends, when the score was 9-10 in the Bucks team’s favour. After that they won just one more end and lost by 10 shots to 19. Jack Harper, Keith Smith and Skip Terry Metcalf could not live with their opposition as they dropped multiple shots on most of the twelve ends that they lost, as they were crushed by 34 shots to 8.
A.Short, J.Hales & S.Chamberlain lost to K.Phillips, G.Washbourne & C.Read 10-19; J.Harper, K.Smith & T.Metcalf lost to D.Humphreys, J.Summerfield & I.Snook 8-34.

Datchworth v Jesters
This was the second Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League match of the week not to be played as the Jesters team conceded the match to Datchworth.

Datchworth Blue 26 Rye Park Rangers 33
On Friday night our Blue team were in action again as they travelled to Hoddesdon and Rye Park to take on their Rangers team in their second East Herts Bowls League Div. 1 match of the week and were beaten by 33 shots to 26. On a somewhat tricky green it was difficult for both teams to find the right way to the Jack. Despite winning the end-count 10-8 Graham Akers, Steve Arnold and Skip Peter Hills lost narrowly by 16 shots to 17, thanks mainly to dropping six shots on the third end, to trail 1-8. Dickie Jackson, Rob Hazeu and Skip Derek Henley shared the ends equally and were just 7-8 adrift with six ends to play. Despite sharing those six ends equally they dropped a three and a four, which contributed to them losing by 10 shots to 16.
G.Akers, S.Arnold & P.Hills lost to T.Maynard, R.Rogers & D.Large 16-17: D.Jackson, R.Hazeu & D.Henley lost to I.Pook, J.Stevenson & D.Fussell 10-16.

Datchworth Women v Three Horseshoes Women
This North Herts Women’s Bowling Association match on Friday night was yet another casualty of a postponement this week, again, at the request of the opposition, and will be played later in the season.

Datchworth 83 Kimpton 53
On Saturday afternoon Kimpton were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Mixed Friendly and were beaten by 83 shots to 53. The visitors, with a number of new bowlers in their team, taking more time to adjust to the speed of the green than the home bowlers was a contributor to the score being what it was. Rachel Jones, Ian Tyler and Skip Terry Metcalf picked up two 5s in their game. The first was on the first end, the second on their sixteenth; which took their score from 15-13 up, to 20-13 up. They went on to win by 22 shots to 15. Linda Tyler, Daniel Williams and Skip George Campbell won the first four ends, to lead 5-0, but by the fourteenth end things were all square at 9 shots apiece. They then lost the closing four ends to lose by 9 shots to 19. Maureen Blunt, Keith Smith and Skip Rob Hazeu only lost four ends as they ran out winners by 24 shots to 9. Alfie Williams, Jan Smith and Skip Richard Harper only won the end-count 10-8, but thanks to picking a 5, a 6 and a couple of 4 they won by 28 shots to 10.
R.Jones, I.Tyler & T.Metcalf beat C.Saunders, A.Banham & A.Fitzjohn 22-15; L.Tyler, D.Williams & G.Campbell lost to B.Kazwini, L.Donovan & D.Truscott 9-19; M.Blunt, K.Smith & R.Hazeu beat D.Desborough, M.Saunders & W.Phillips 24 9; A.Williams, J.Smith & R.Harper beat M.Palmer, R.Palmer & A.Brown 28-10.

On Sunday afternoon we ran our Memorial Day, when we raise money to donate to the charity of choice of one of our members who has passed away. This time it was for the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance, in memory of Jim Russell, one of the Club’s Founder Members, who passed away at the end of last year. We raised £280 after 28 members played four rounds of Pairs Round Robin competition. In the end Barbara Williams and Dave Castle, with 30 shots, edge out Jan Smith and George Campbell, with 29 shots and Ian Bartlett and Derek Henley, with 28 shots, to win this year’s Memorial Day.

Website Report for week ending 7th July 2024.

Datchworth 26 W.G.C. Crusaders 43
On Monday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled to Welwyn Garden City’s Digswell Park green to take on their Crusaders team in a Div. 2 match and were beaten by 43 shots to 26. Jack Harper, Ann Edwards and Skip Julian Hales trailed 2-14 after eight ends. They then fought back and eventually back to all square at 18 shots apiece with one end to play. They then dropped two shots on the final end to lose by 18 shots to 20. Rachel Jones, Jan Smith and Skip Richard Harper were all square at 7 shots apiece after eight ends. Then the wheels came of their wagon as they lost all but the final ten ends to lose by 8 shots to 23.
J.Harper, A.Edwards & J.Hales lost to I.Cocksedge, T.Stuart & K.Chamberlain 18-20; R.Jones, J.Smith & R.Harper lost to J.Wright, J.Earnshaw & C.Avery 8-23.

Datchworth Gold 35 Stevenage Red 39
On Tuesday night our Gold team travelled to Stevenage to play their Reds team in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match and were beaten by 39 shots to 35. Ian Green, Keith Smith and Skip Terry Metcalf built up a 13 shots to 8 lead after eleven ends. They then went and lost all but the last of the remaining seven ends, and by picking up four shots on that final end, they lost by the odd shot, 17-18. Andy Short, Dave Castle and Skip Steve Chamberlain took the lead on the third end and held on to that lead until they dropped five shots on the penultimate end, to trail 18-20. They then lost the final end to lose by 18 shots to 21.
I.Green, K.Smith & T.Metcalf lost to S.Argent, R.Miller & P.Smith 17-18; A.Short, D.Castle & S.Chamberlain lost to B.Piggott, T.Kent & S.Wilson 18-21.

Datchworth 38 Stevenage Town 51
On Wednesday night our bowlers were back at Stevenage Town’s Shish Lane green, this time for a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match, and they were beaten by 51 shots to 38. Our only winning Rink was that of Sue Ellis, Keith Smith, Julian Hales and Skip Steve Arnold. They built up a healthy lead of 16-3 after eleven ends. The home team then fought back to win the next five ends, to go into the penultimate end just 13-16 down. The final two ends were shared equally and our Rink held on to win by 17 shots to 15. Jan Smith, John Ellis, Terry Metcalf and Skip Steve Chamberlain could not stay with their opposition, winning just six ends, as they were beaten by 6 shots to 20. Barbara Williams, Ian Williams, George Campbell and Skip Rob Hazeu had a somewhat topsy turvey match as they led 9-2 after seven ends, then were all square at 11 shots apiece after twelve ends, 11-16 down after fifteen ends, before winning the closing three ends to lose by 15 shots to 16.
S.Ellis, K.Smith, J.Hales & S.Arnold beat P.Kent, B.Piggott, T.Smith & G.Smith 17-15; J.Smith, J.Ellis, T.Metcalf & S.Chamberlain lost to J.Holmes, B.North, P.Sparrow & S.Wilson 6-20; B.Williams, I.Williams, G.Campbell & R.Hazeu lost to P.Smith, A.North, D.Penfound & K.Smith 15-16.

Datchworth Women 37 Riverain Women 26
On Thursday morning our Women played their first ever North Herts Women’s Bowling Association match, after three postponements, when they travelled to take on their counterpart from Riverain, one of those early postponements, and came away following a 37 shot to 26 win. Rachel Jones, Janet Akers and Skip Chris Hills led 10-0 after five ends and held on to that lead and after sharing the remaining twelve ends equally they won by 19 shots to 13. Pauline Whybrow, Ann Edwards and Skip Jan Smith had a game of “two halves.” After twelve ends they were 6-13 down, but they then got their act together and won the remaining six ends to come from behind to win by 18 shots to 13.
R.Jones, J.Akers & C.Hills beat L.White, A.Tresise & S.Bradbury 19-13; P.Whybrow, A.Edwards & J.Smith beat R.Cocks, C.Nash & A.Weaver 18-13.

Datchworth v Shire Park Green
This Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League Div. 2 match at Shire Park, on Friday night, was postponed because of the persistent rain and will be re-arranged later in the season.

On Saturday our green was one of four the County used for their Men’s 2 Wood Singles competition and it was one of two that, despite the persistent rain, managed to run it to completion, with a reduced number of those scheduled to play here because of the bad weather. Neil Sharp, of Welwyn Garden City and Stuart Brown, of Royston, fought their way through the rain and three rounds of knock out competition, and in the end, the sunshine, to face each other in the Final and Stuart won through to the County Semi Finals by beating Neil 15-12.

Datchworth v Riverain
This Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match at Riverain on Saturday afternoon was yet another match that was postponed this week because of the forecast persistent rain and will be re-arranged later in the season.

Datchworth v The Royal Household Bowling Club
Unfortunately, our first ever Mixed Friendly match against The Royal Household Bowling Club to be played at home on Sunday afternoon had to be called off as enough members of the R.H.B.C. had external commitments that prevented them from being able to field a full team for this fixture. Hopefully we will be able to find a suitable date for both Clubs next season so that we can once again visit them in Windsor.

Website Report for week ending 14th July 2024.

It was a busy night of bowling on our Turkey Farm green on a damp Monday night with both of our East Herts Bowls League teams at home, along with our Women’s County League team.

Datchworth Blue 53 Rosehill Otters 21
Our Blue team beat Rosehill Otters by 53 shots to 21 in their Div. 1 match. Dickie Jackson, Steve Arnold and Skip Jim Smith won twice as many ends than they lost in their 27 shots to 10 win. As did Graham Akers, Les Parsley and Skip Derek Henley, in their 26 shots to 11 win.
D.Jackson, S.Arnold & J.Smith beat A.Blacker, P.Goodchild & P.Tilly 27-10; G.Akers, L.Parsley & D.Henley beat C.Long, M.Fry & R.Morris 26-11.

Datchworth Gold 25 Potters Bar Glyders 45
Our Gold team lost 25 shots to 45 against Potters Bar Glyders. Despite Phil Holzbauer, Julian Hales and Skip Steve Chamberlain winning six of the first ten ends they trailed 7-13. They never won another end and lost by 7 shots to 29. Ian Green, Keith Smith and Skip Clyde Martindill had a much different game. They won eleven of the eighteen ends played, but, had a scare on the penultimate end when they dropped a five, and had their lead was cut to 17-16. They picked up one shot on the final end to win by 18 shots to 16.
P.Holzbauer, J.Hales & S.Chamberlain lost to D.Salmond, J.Southall & R.Pearce 7-29; I.Green, K.Smith & C.Martindill beat B.Bowman, C.Malone & B.Vince 18-16.

Datchworth Women 11 Sele Farm Women 22
Our Women’s County League team of Barbara Williams, Jenny Holzbauer, Jan Smith and Skip Ann Edwards were up against their counterparts from Sele Farm. They fought back from 2-11 down after eight ends to 9-11 down after twelve ends, but then won just one more end as they lost by 11 shots to 22.
B.Williams, J.Holzbauer, J.Smith & A.Edwards lost to J.Parsley, C.Shelley, H.Ottley & E.Lundy 11-22.

Datchworth 62 Welwyn Garden City 41
On Tuesday afternoon Welwyn Garden City were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Mixed Friendly and in the match curtailed by rain they were beaten by 62 shots to 41. John Ellis, Jan Smith and Skip Keith Smith won eight out of the twelve ends they played in their 10 shots to 4 win. Mike Usher, Janet Akers and Skip Richard Harper raced to a 14 shots to 1 lead after eight ends, but ended up winning by 15 shots to 11 after the thirteen ends they played. Nicki Berry, Bernadette Martindill and Skip Graham Akers won nine out of the thirteen ends they played in their 12 shots to 4 win. Linda Tyler, Ann Edwards and Skip Terry Metcalf were looking good at 11-6 up before playing what would be their final end. Only to find victory taken out of their grasp as they dropped a 6 on what was to be their final end, as they lost by 11 shots to 12. Sue Ellis, Phil Berry and Skip Clyde Martindill shared the ends of their fourteen end game equally, but came out on top with a 14 shot to 10 win.
J.Ellis, J.Smith & K.Smith beat C.Gibbs, C.Royal & M.Pike 10-4; M.Usher, J.Akers & R.Harper beat A.Reid, M.Foulser & J.Write 15-11; N.Berry, B.Martindill & G.Akers beat S.Hill, J.Norton & D.Reid 12-4; L.Tyler, A.Edwards & T.Metcalf lost to J.McNeil, K.McNeil & B.Stewart 11-12; S.Ellis, P.Berry & C.Martindill beat F.Chipperfield, I.Cocksage & A.Dickens 14-10.

Datchworth 26 Welwyn Woods 40
On Wednesday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled to Welwyn and District’s green for a Div. 2 match against their Woods team and were beaten by 40 shots to 26. Maureen Blunt, Terry Metcalf and Skip Keith Smith had a very close game. They lost the end-count 8-10, but, as they dropped a single shot on six of those, while picking multiple shots on five of their eight winning ends, they edged their game by 14 shots to 12. Howard Carrick, Jan Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain had three bad ends in their game, dropping a six and two fives. Thes contributed heavily in their 12 shot to 28 loss.
M.Blunt, T.Metcalf & K.Smith beat P.Kiveton, D.Hill & J.Oliver 14-12; H.Carrick, J.Smith & S.Chamberlain lost to B.Hill, J.Brown & C.Read 12-28.

Datchworth’s Men 49 Bishop’s Stortford’s Men 40
On Thursday night our Men took on their counterparts from Bishop’s Stortford in the County’s Men’s Club Championship on our Turkey Farm green and beat them by 49 shots to 40. Alfie Williams, Terry Metcalf, Derek Henley and Skip Les Parsley led 14-0 after just five ends. It was a lead they never lost as they ran out winners by 23 shots to 14. Daniel Williams, Maurice Gordon, Steve Arnold and Skip Jim Smith led 7-1 after five ends. It was also a lead they never lost as they won by 15 shots to 8. It was a different story for Dickie Jackson, Graham Akers, Steve Chamberlain and Skip Peter Hills. They were the last Rink to finish. They led for the first six ends but lost the lead on the seventh end. They were playing their sixteenth end after the other two Rinks had finished, with a 14 shot advantage. They dropped two shots on that end and three on the next before their opposition conceded as they could not get the shots required to overtake our total. Our Men now go on to the Area Final where they will face their reoccurring opponents in the County’s Men’s competition, the Men from Buntingford, on Sawbridgeworth’s green on Monday 22nd July.
A.Williams, T.Metcalf, D.Henley & L.Parsley beat B.Williams, A.Collings, D.Chandler & D.Stevenson 23-14; D.Williams, M.Gordon, S.Arnold & J.Smith beat A.Yarborough, I.Mortimer, P.Vincent & G.Rochey 15-8; D.Jackson, G.Akers, S.Chamberlain & P.Hills lost to T.McKenzie, N.Harrington , J.Henson & R.Helm 11-18.

Datchworth Women 2 Points Letchworth Garden City Women 1 Point
On Friday night our women played their first ever match in the North Herts Women’s Bowling Association’s Challenge Shield against their counterparts from Letchworth Garden City, on our Turkey Farm green. It was somewhat of a surprise, as our Fixture Secretary, and the writer of this report, had forgotten that he had arranged this match back in May and not put it in his diary, nor told the Club’s NHWBA representative, Jan Smith, of it. It was only a phone call between Jan and theirs, Christine Ottaway, in the early afternoon, that it was realized that the match had been forgotten about by myself. So, following some frantic phone calls being made by Jan, while she was carrying out Marking duties on our green, that six of our ladies responded positively to her calls for help. Meaning that the match went ahead and I had to make some grovelling apologies for my mistake; not only to our ladies, but also to the L.G.C. ladies. So, the match went ahead and our ladies managed to beat them by 2 points to 1, after winning two of the three disciplines played. In the Singles, Chris Hill built up a comfortable lead of 12-1 after nine ends. She ended up winning by 21 shots to 9 after sharing the following ten ends equally. In the Pairs, Rachel Jones and Skip Barbara Williams had no answers against their opposition, as they were crushed by 24 shots to 1. In the Triples Jenny Holzbauer, Janet Akers and Skip Jan Smith had a tussle. They led 10-4 after nine ends, trailed 10-11 after thirteen, all square at 11 apiece after fourteen ends. They then led 16-11 with two ends to play, only to drop a two on the penultimate end and a three on the eighteenth, to draw at 16 shots apiece. They then played an extra end, to determine the winner, and they picked up two shots to win by 18 shots to 16. That meant they won by 2 points to 1 to progress to the next Round of the Competition.
C.Hills beat L.Docherty 21-9; R.Jones & B.Williams lost to J.Rogan & P.Simmons 1-24; J.Holzbauer, J.Akers & J.Smith beat A.Rowe, L.Bailey & C.Ottaway 18-16.

Datchworth 54 Aston 37
On Saturday afternoon Aston were the visitors to our Turkey Farm green for a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match and, despite winning just one of the three Rinks played, we beat them by 54 shots to 37. Our only winning Rink was that of Janet Akers, Keith Smith, David Castle and Skip Steve Chamberlain. They lost the first end then won the next seven, to lead 17-1. They then won seven of the remaining ten ends to win comfortably by 31 shots to 5. Howard Carrick, Richard Harper, Julian Hales and Skip Derek Henley shared the ends equally but they lost 11-18, after having shots deducted from their actual score as they fielded an all-male Rink, according to the League’s rules. Jan Smith, Phil Holzbauer, Ian Williams and Skip Graham Akers lost two more ends than they won and they dropped two more shots than they won in their 12-14 loss.
J.Akers, K.Smith, D.Castle & S.Chamberlain beat M.Gleghorn, B.Miller, D.Whylie & E.O’Hanlon 31-5; H.Carrick, R.Harper, J.Hales & D.Henley lost to M.Beahan, J.Warner, M.Chambers & D.Noble 11-18; J.Smith, P.Holzbauer, I.Williams & G.Akers lost to K.O’Hanlon, T.Phipps, M.Allington & S.Mahoney 12-14.

Datchworth v Knebworth
This Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match on Sunday afternoon was conceded by Knebworth as they could not field a full team for the match.

Website Report for week ending 21st July 2024.

Datchworth Gold v Castles
This East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match on Monday night was postponed and will be played later in the season.

Datchworth Women 4 Whit Hern 2 Women 29
On Monday night our Women travelled to Cheshunt to take on their counterparts of Whit Hern 2 in a Women’s County League match and Jenny Holzbauer, Janet Akers, Ann Edwards and Skip Jan Smith won just four ends as they were overpowered by 4 shots to 29, just before a downpour cut their match short by one end.
J.Holzbauer, J.Akers, A.Edwards & J.Smith lost to A.Droni, P.Blenios, C.Draper & I.Lack 4-29.

Datchworth 44 Hertford Wild Cards 30
Our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled to Hertford’s Pegs Lane green for a Div. 2 on Tuesday night but as our scorecards from the match have gone awol a full match report cannot be written. Fortunately, I have managed to get the teams and the scores from the League’s Fixture Secretary. From that information I know that Jenny Holzbauer, Howard Carrick and Skip Chris Hills won by 22 shots to 21 and that Rachel Jones, Andy Short and Skip Richard Harper won 22-9.
P.Holzbauer, H.Carrick & C.Hills beat S.Andrews, P.Gardner & D.Wild 22-21; R.Jones, A.Short & R.Harper beat S.Scott, S.Hill & D.Neary 22-9.

Datchworth 46 Harperbury 82
On Wednesday afternoon we travelled to play Harperbury in a Mixed Friendly. But it did not turn out too friendly as the home club ran out winners by 82 shots to 46. John Gordon, Howard Carrick and Skip Ian Williams won just six ends, as they lost by 8 shots to 20. Richard Hutchinson, Bernadette Martindill and Skip Richard Harper won one more end, seven, as they lost by 9 shots to 32. Datchworth’s only winning Triple was that of Jack Harper, Barbara Williams and Skip Clyde Martindill. They had a tight game for eleven ends, when the score was 8 shots apiece. They then ran away with it, winning the closing seven ends to win by 23 shots to 8. Celia Gordon, Annette Hutchinson and Skip Julian Hales only managed to win five ends as they lost by 6 shots to 22.
J.Gordon, H.Carrick & I.Williams lost to M.McGarrigle, K.Kauder & A.Dickinson 8-20; R.Hutchinson, B.Martindill & R.Harper lost to G.Gowler, J.Taylor & A.Langley 9-32; J.Harper, B.Williams & C.Martindill beat G.Neville, J.Alsop & K.Williams 23-8; C.Gordon, A.Hutchinson & J.Hales lost to P.Lerwill, P.Watkins & M.Langley 6-22.

Datchworth Blue 24 Ware Wolves 34
Our Blue team did not have it easy on Wednesday night when they travelled to Ware to take on their Wolves team in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 1 match and lost by 24 shots to 34. Graham Akers, Jim Smith and Skip Les Parsley won just two more ends than they lost. But by picking up more multiple shots that they dropped, they won by 18 shots to 10. But Dickie Jackson, Derek Henley and Skip Peter Hills struggled all game to find their way to the jack, winning just five ends, as they lost by 6 shots to 24.
G.Akers, J.Smith & L.Parsley beat H.Madon, M.Bentley & A.Franklin 18-10; D.Jackson, D.Henley & P.Hills lost to M.Lockwood, S.Ellis & V.Goodey 6-24.

Datchworth Gold 20 Rosedale 53
Our Gold team also suffered on Thursday night when they travelled to Cheshunt to take on Rosedale in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match and were beaten by 53 shots to 20. Ian Green, Dave Castle and Skip Steve Chamberlain could do nothing to stop their opposition running away with a 28 shot to 6 win. Phil Holzbauer, Julian Hales and Skip Terry Metcalf were 5-13 down after thirteen ends but fought back to win three of the closing five ends and cut their losing deficit to 14-25.
I.Green, D.Castle & S.Chamberlain lost to D.Hayes, R.Facer & C.Dyer 6-28; P.Holzbauer, J.Hales & T.Metcalf lost to B.Turner, J.Gorry & F.Cable 14-25.

Datchworth 37 Kimpton 26
On Friday night Kimpton were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League Div. 2 match and were beaten by 37 shots to 26. Jan Smith, Andy Pattle and Skip Keith Smith went from 1-5 down after four ends to 15-5 up after eleven ends. They lost four of the remaining seven ends but hung onto their ten shot advantage to win by 21 shots to 11. Maureen Blunt, Janet Akers and Skip Chris Hille were just 11-12 adrift after eleven ends, then 11-15 adrift three ends later. But they won the closing four ends to come from behind to win by the odd shot 16-15.
J.Smith, A.Pattle & K.Smith beat D.Desborough, N.Burns & A.Fitzjohn 21-11; M.Blunt, J.Akers & C.Hills beat L.Donovan, D.Moore & D.Truscott 16-15.

Datchworth 68 Hitchin Town 66
On Saturday afternoon Hitchin Town were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Mixed Friendly and were beaten in a very close finish by 68 shots to 66. Maureen Blunt, Phil Holzbauer and Skip Steve Arnold had a very close game before the tea-break, when they went in 9-8 ahead. As the saying goes “It all changes after tea.” And it did for them as they only won three ends after tea and lost by 12 shots to 17. It was a similar story for Annette Hutchinson, Ann Edwards, Jan Smith and Skip Maurice Gordon. They went into tea 10-7 up, but won four more ends after tea, as they lost by 14 shots to 17. Jim Whittle, Keith Smith and Skip Richard Harper went into tea all square at 9 shots apiece. Despite winning five of the remaining nine ends they managed to outscore their opposition to win by 22 shots to 16. That put Hitchin 2 shots up after three rinks had finished. At that point Mike Usher, Julian Hales and Skip Derek Henley were 19-16 up, playing their final end; after being 1-13 down after seven ends. The tea-break certainly worked for them. At that point Datchworth had a 1 shot advantage overall. With his last wood of the end Derek Henley drew shot, Burt Cook, the Hitchin Skip, could not beat that, so Derek Henley’s Triple won by 20 shots to 16 and Datchworth won by 2 shots, 68 to 66.
M.Blunt, P.Holzbauer & S.Arnold lost to J.Barker, K.Loosemore & M.Prentice 12-17; A.Hutchinson, A.Edwards, J.Smith & M.Gordon lost to J.Morris, R.Jones, D.Hare & B.Joshua 14-17; J.Whittle, K.Smith & R.Harper beat M.Balaam, G.Goulding & K.Spendlow 22-16; M.Usher, J.Hales & D.Henley beat G.Munge, B.Young & B.Cook 20-16.

Datchworth 107 Sele Farm 81
On Sunday afternoon we travelled to Hertford to play Sele Farm on their Hartham Common green and came away with a 107 shot to 81 win. Anna Pattle, Keith Smith and Skip Jim Smith were 10-1 up after six ends and despite winning five of the remaining twelve ends they kept their lead to win by 24 shots to 18. Annette Hutchinson, Dickie Jackson, Ian Green and Skip Richard Harper struggled for eleven ends, and trailed 23-3 as a result. Their fortunes chanced after that as they won all but two of the remaining seven ends to cut their losing deficit to 12-28. Richard Hutchinson, Dave Castle and Skip Steve Arnold could do nothing wrong for twelve ends, as they lead 26-1. But their fortunes also changed, as they only won two more ends as their winning margin was reduced to 29-8. Howard Carrick, Jan Smith and Skip Derek Henley took a 10 shot to nothing lead after five ends. After that things got tighter as the closing thirteen ends were shared 7-6 in Sele Farm’s favour and their 10 shot advantage was cut to 8 as they won by 19 shots to 11. Andy Pattle, Maureen Blunt and Skip Richard Brewster went 0-7 down after three ends, then all square at 7 apiece after seven ends, then 7-15 down after eleven ends. They got their act together after that to win all but one of the remaining seven ends, to win by 23 shots to 16.
A.Pattle, K.Smith & J.Smith beat J.Lake, O.Mitchell & J.Martin 24-18; A.Hutchinson, D.Jackson, I.Green & R.Harper lost to D.Lacey, B.Karn, M.Sell & D.Pratt 12-18; R.Hutchinson, D.Castle & S.Arnold beat B.Turner, D.Lee & H.Wright 29-8; H.Carrick, J.Smith & D.Henley beat S.Lacey, I.Shelley & E.Lundy 19-11; A.Pattle, M.Blunt & R.Brewster beat B.Kirby, I.Boswell & S.Kelley 23-16.

Website Report for week ending 28th July 2024.

Our busiest week of the season, with twelve matches to be played, started on Monday night, when our Men took on their counterparts from Buntingford in the Area Final of the County’s Men’s Team Championship at Sawbridgeworth and our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team were up against Welwyn Wanderers in the League’s Jubilee Cup.

Datchworth Men 53 Buntingford Men 59
Our Men were beaten in a close match by 59 shots to 53. Dickie Jackson, Daniel Williams, Steve Chamberlain and Skip Derek Henley went 6-1 up after three ends then 11-5 up after ten ends. But dropping six shots on the eleventh end saw their scores level at 11 shots apiece. They then went 16-11 ahead three ends later. They then won just one end of the closing four, but that was by picking up 5 shots on the penultimate end and it was enough for them to hold on to win by 21 shots to 17. Alfie Williams, Maurice Gordon, Steve Arnold and Skip Les Parsley were 2-9 down after four ends before fighting back to lead 12-9 after nine ends. Three ends later they were 16-12 ahead, but dropping 5 shots on the thirteenth end saw them trail 16-17. With two ends to go they were 17-19 adrift. They then picked up one shot on each of the closing two ends to draw 19 shots apiece. Graham Akers, Terry Metcalf, Rob Hazeu and Skip Jim Smith lost three ends in a row, to go from 5-7 down after seven ends, to 5-16 down after ten ends. They shared the remaining eight ends equally and only managed to reduce their losing deficit to one shot and ended up losing by 13 shots to 23.
D.Jackson, D.Williams, S.Chamberlain & D.Henley beat P.Warren, M.Nyquist, C.Frostick & S.Wake 21-17; A.Williams, M.Gordon, S.Arnold & L.Parsley drew with D.Murphy, B.Davies, R.Foster & M.Ball 19 all; G.Akers, T.Metcalf, R.Hazeu & J.Smith lost to B.Bushell, D.Baxter, T.Keeling & G.Warrender 13-23.

Datchworth 34 Welwyn Wanderers 31
With one Rink at home and one Rink away our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team beat Welwyn Wanderers by 34 shots to 31. At our Turkey Farm green Maureen Blunt, Howard Carrick, Jan Smith and Skip Phil Berry were just 6-7 down after eight ends but two winning ends later they were 13-7 ahead. Despite sharing the remaining eight ends equally they managed to extend their winning margin to 21-11. At Welwyn Wanderers Ottway Walk green Pauline Whybrow, Phil Holzbauer, Ann Edwards and Skip Julian Hales lost three ends in a row to go from 7-6 up, after eight ends, to 7-14 down after eleven ends. They never managed to reduce that deficit over the closing seven ends and lost by 13 shots to 20.
M.Blunt, H.Carrick, J.Smith & P.Berry beat B.Bennett, S.Grimmant, T.Parnes & L.Page 21-11; P.Whybrow, P.Holzbauer, A.Edwards & J.Hales lost to C.Moore, G.Hodgkinson, J.Knowles & M.Reeve 13-20.

On Tuesday night there were two more matches for our bowlers, both in their respective County Leagues. Our Men were at home to Rosehill’s Men and our Women were away to Bishop’s Stortford’s Women.

Datchworth Men 53 Rosehill Men 19
Our Men won by 53 shots to 19. Derek Henley, Graham Akers, Jim Smith and Skip Les Parsley won just two more ends than they lost, but thanks to picking up six multiple shots they won by 23 shots to 11. Dickie Jackson, Rob Hazeu, Steve Arnold and Skip Peter Hills could do no wrong for the first thirteen ends, as they won all but one of them to lead 28-1. They then won just two more ends the end up winning by 30 shots to 8.
D.Henley, G.Akers, J.Smith & L.Parsley beat B.Faint, N.Elmes, R.Pateman & M.Songer 23-22; D.Jackson, R.Hazeu, S.Arnold & P.Hills beat K.Antoniou, C.Long, T.Day & S.Ayton 30-8.

Datchworth Women 9 Bishop’s Stortford Women 24
At Bishop’s Stortford’s green Rachel Jones, Jenny Holzbauer, Janet Akers and Skip Chris Hills got off to a good start by winning the first three ends to lead 7-0. They then won only two more ends and crashed to a 9 shot to 24 loss.
R.Jones, J.Holzbauer, J.Akers & C.Hills lost to R.Felstead, W.Green, L.Philpott & K.Hensen 9-24.

There were yet another three more matches for our bowlers on Wednesday, with a Friendly match away to Kimpton in the afternoon, our Blue team were at home to Rosehill Badgers in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 1 match and our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team were home and away in the League’s John Brown Trophy against B.S.P. in the evening.

Datchworth 56 Kimpton 58
At Kimpton’s green we lost by 56 shots to 58 after losing just one of the four Triples played. After building up a 10 shot to 4 lead, after eleven ends, Jack Harper, Annette Hutchinson and Skip Steve Arnold lost four ends in a row and were caught at 10 shots apiece. They then won two of the closing three ends to win by 17 shots to 11. Richard Hutchinson, Janet Akers and Skip Richard Brewster were also caught at 10 shots apiece, but after eleven ends. They then won five of the closing seven ends to win by 17 shots to 14. Datchworth’s only losing Triple was that of Jim Whittle, Maurice Gordon and Skip Dave Castle. They won just six ends as they lost 6.18. Sharon French, Julian Hales and Skip Richard Harper shared the ends equally and came from 5-13 down after thirteen ends to win by the odd shot 16-15 by picking up one shot on the final end.
J.Harper, A.Hutchinson & S.Arnold beat J.Littlefield, G.Rumble & A.Fitzjohn 17-11; R.Hutchinson, J.Akers & R.Brewster beat C.Saunders, B.Kazwini & A.Brown 17-14; J.Whittle, M.Gordon & D.Castle lost to D.Desborough, M.Saunders & G.Durrant 6-18; S.French, J.Hales & R.Harper beat A.Banham, S.Truscott & H.Boshier 16-15.

Datchworth Blue 31 Rosehill Badgers 38
They say 24 hours is a long time in politics, it was also a long time in bowls for our Men. After beating Rosehill in the County League 24 hours earlier, our Blue team faced Rosehill’s Badgers team, on the same green and with five of the same team that played the night before, facing three of the team that also played the night before, they lost by 31 shots to 38. George Campbell, Jim Smith and Skip Peter Hills won six ends. The first three at the start of their game, to go 6-1 up. The second three at the end of their game, to cut their losing deficit 15-21. Graham Akers, Derek Henley and Skip Les Parsley had a bit of a hit and miss sort of game. They went from 8-1 up after six ends, to 8-9 down after nine. Then from 12-9 up after eleven ends, to 12-15 down after fifteen ends. They picked up a four on the next end, to lead 16-15, but dropped two single shots on the closing two ends, to lose 16-17.
G.Campbell, J.Smith & P.Hills lost to S.Death, T.Day & S.Ayton 15-21; G.Akers, D.Henley & L.Parsley lost to D.Garrard, K.Misen & M.Songer 16-17.

Datchworth 24 B.S.P. 39
In the John Brown Trophy match we lost by 24 shots to 39. At our Turkey Farm green Rachel Jones, Ian Green and Skip Steve Chamberlain lost the first four ends, to go 0-7 down. They remained behind till the end, eventually losing by 9 shots to 19. At Welwyn Garden City’s KGV green Jan and Keith Smith and Skip Terry Metcalf went from 5-4 ahead, after five ends, to 5-19 down, nine losing ends later. They did win three of the closing four ends though, but still lost by 15 shots to 20.
R.Jones, I.Green & S.Chamberlain lost to M.Nottage, N.Dickinson & D.Miller 9-19; J.Smith, K.Smith & T.Metcalf lost to P.James, B.Worsley & G.Smith 15-20.

Two more matches followed on Thursday night. Our combined East Herts Bowls League team were in action again, up against Hertingfordbury in the League’s Ranson Cup. Our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team were also in action again, up against North Mymms, in a home Div.2 League match.

Datchworth 37 Hertingfordbury 25
Our Ranson Cup team won through to the next Round with a 37 shot to 25 win. At our Turkey Farm green Dickie Jackson, Terry Metcalf, Steve Arnold and Skip Les Parsley led 8-2 after six ends, but were pegged back to 8 all six ends later. The closing six ends were shared equally but they managed to edge ahead and win by 17 shots to 15. At Hertingfordbury’s Hartham Common green Graham Akers, Rob Hazeu, Steve Chamberlain and Skip Derek Henley won the first five ends, to take an 8 shot to nothing lead. It was a lead they never lost as they ran out winners by 20 shots to 10.
D.Jackson, T.Metcalf, S.Arnold & L.Parsley beat D.Rogers, D.Solter, R.Hemlin & K.Edwards 17-15; G.Akers, R.Hazeu, S.Chamberlain & D.Henley beat M.Hartfield, P.Manning, L.Hartfield & J.Dunne 20-10.

Datchworth 25 North Mymms 40
Our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team lost by 25 shots to 40. Janet Akers, Chris Hills and Skip Clyde Martindill had a fight on their hands. They lost the first two ends and remained behind until the thirteenth end, when they levelled the scores at 14 apiece. The scores were level twice more, at 16 apiece after sixteen ends and 17 apiece after they picked up one shot on the final end to draw level. Jan Smith, Bernadette Martindill and Skip Julian Hales struggled throughout their game. They only managed five winning ends and as a result they lost by 8 shots to 23.
J.Akers, C.Hills & C.Martindill drew with C.Wootton, F.Hagland & A.Wootton 17 all; J.Smith, B.Martindill & J.Hales lost to R.Aley, R.Matthews & D.Parsonage 8-23.

There were two more matches on Friday night; our Gold team were at home to Rye Park Rockets in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match and our Women were away to their counterparts of Stevenage, in the North Herts Women’s Bowling Association’s Challenge Shield.

Datchworth Gold 49 Rye Park Rockets 30
At our Turkey Farm green our Gold team won 49-30, for only their second win of the season. Dave Castle, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain dropped a six on the first end and remained behind until they picked up one shot on the twelfth end, to draw level at 14 shots apiece. They then went on to win all but two of the closing six ends to win by 26 shots to 16. Andy Short, Ian Green and Skip Terry Metcalf were level for the fourth time, at 13 shots apiece, after fourteen ends. They them won three of the closing four ends to win by 23 shots to 14.
D.Castle, K.Smith & S.Chamberlain beat D.Thomas, T.Scales & R.Gray 26-16; A.Short, I.Green & T.Metcalf beat L.Austin, J.Mason & P.Jaggs 23-14.

Datchworth Women 1 Point Stevenage Town Women 2 Points
At Stevenage’s Sish Lane green our Women lost by 2 points to 1; with a point being awarded to each discipline won. In the Singles Jan Smith was up against Karen Heniker and they were all square at 11 apiece after eleven ends. Three ends later she was 11-17 down, then 13-20 down seven ends later. She managed to win the next three ends, to get to 17-20 down, before eventually conceding the one shot Karen Heniker needed for the win. In the Pairs Rachel Jones and Pauline Whybrow had an up and down game. They were up 4-0 after three ends, 4-6 down after seven ends, 12-6 up after eleven ends, 12-13 down after fifteen ends, 13 apiece after sixteen ends, before finally losing 13-17 two ends later. At which point the Triple of Jenny Holzbauer, Maureen Blunt and Skip Janet Akers were 14-9 ahead with four ends to play. But as the match was already won by Stevenage they stopped and accepted the game win but the match loss.
J.Smith lost to K.Heniker 17-21; R.Jones & P.Whybrow lost to P.Kent & B.North 13-17; J.Holzbauer, M.Blunt & J.Akers beat J.Sweet, S.Winters & T.Hare 14-9.

Also, on Friday night our green was used for an Area Final of Bowls England’s Senior Singles competition. It saw John Osborn, from Harpenden, beat Dave Murphy, from Buntingford, 21-20, on the 22nd end, after he drew shot, which had to be measured to determine if it was shot, with his last and the end’s last wood, after being shots down himself. John Osborn now goes onto the National Finals at Leamington.

Datchworth 33 Baldock 62
On Saturday afternoon we travelled to Baldock for a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match and were soundly beaten by 62 shots to 32. Chris Hills, Sue Ellis, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain had a close game, only losing one more end than they won, with one end tied, they eventually lost by 12 shots to 14. It was a different story for the other two Rinks. Jan Smith, Janet Akers, Dickie Jackson and Skip Steve Arnold only managed six winning ends as they went down by 9 shots to 25. Rachel Jones, John Ellis, Richard Harper and Skip Graham Akers won six ends, as they went down by 12 shots to 23.
C.Hills, S.Ellis, K.Smith & S.Chamberlain lost to S.Harrington, R.Castle, T.Godden & P.Haskins 12-14; J.Smith, J.Akers, D.Jackson & S.Arnold lost to P.Page, D.Harrington, M.A.Haskins & M.Parsons 9-25; R.Jones, J.Ellis, R.Harper & G.Akers lost to W.Budge, N.Graham, J.Russell & M.Ingram 12-23.

We held our 2 Wood Singles competition on Sunday. It started at 10.00 in the morning and finished at around 6.00 in the evening. Our Ladies had a separate competition for the first time, which ran along side with our regular Open competition. Lucy Williams and Rachel Jones won their way through up to three Rounds of Knock Out competition to reach the Final of the Ladies 2 Wood Singles. Dickie Jackson and Julian Hales won their way through thee Rounds of Knock Out competition to reach the Final of the Open 2 Wood Singles. Both Finals will be played over our Finals’ Weekend of the 24th and 25th August.

Website Report for week ending 4th August 2024.

There were three matches for our bowlers on Monday night. Our Blue team and Women’s team both travelled to Sawbridgeworth. Our Blue team for an East Herts Bowls League Div. 1 match and our Women for a Women’s County League match. Our Gold team were also in action, at home to Bishop’s Stortford Ospreys.

Datchworth Blue 38 Sawbridgeworth Red 37
At Sawbridgeworth our Blue team won a tightly fought contest by one shot, 38-37. Graham Akers, Rob Hazeu and Skip Les Parsley led from the start and were caught at 15 shots apiece after dropping three shots on the thirteenth end. They then fell 16-20 down with two ends to play and by winning those two ends they cut their deficit down to one shot, 19-20. At that point Dickie Jackson, Steve Arnold and Skip Peter Hills were playing their penultimate end and after leading 16-5 after ten ends, they found themselves just 17-16 up, after the home team changed the Jack length and capitalized on the change. They dropped a shot on the penultimate end to make the score 17 shots apiece, needing two shots on the final end to win the game. With both Skips to play they were holding the two shots needed and as neither Skip changed that they won by 19 shots to 17 and won the match by one shot, 38-37.
G.Akers, R.Hazeu & L.Parsley lost to T.Wright, J.Watkins & K.Brown 19-20; D.Jackson, S.Arnold & P.Hills beat R.Marshall, J.Major & A.Benson-Nutt 19-17.

Datchworth Women 8 Sawbridgeworth 1 20
At the same time our Women, Jenny Holzbauer, Ann Edwards, Jan Smith and Skip Chris Hills were doing their best against their counterparts. Despite dropping a five on the second end they managed to get the scores level at 6 shots apiece after eight ends. But they only managed two more winning ends as they lost by 8 shots to 20.
J.Holzbauer, A.Edwards, J.Smith & C.Hills lost to S.Edwards, B.Bennett, S.Best & H.Carson 8-20.

Datchworth Gold 24 Bishop’s Stortford Ospreys 43
While at our own Turkey Farm green our Gold team were losing by 24 shots to 43. Andy Short, Keith Smith and Skip Terry Metcalf had a close game, with never more than three shots separating the teams. They led 6-3 after eight ends, and 11-9 after thirteen ends and eventually 14-12 at the end. But Ian Green, Julian Hales and Skip Steve Chamberlain had an awful start, going 0-12 down after just three ends. They never recovered after that and lost by 10 shots to 31.
A.Short, K.Smith & T.Metcalf beat P.Cross, I.Mortimer & D.Chandler 14-12; I.Green, J.Hales & S.Chamberlain lost to J.Brooks, N.Harrington & T.McKenzie 10-31.

Datchworth 36 Shire Park Green 35
On Tuesday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled the short distance to Tewin to take on Shire Park Green in a Div. 2 match and edged a one shot win 36-35. Julian Hales, Keith Smith and Skip Clyde Martindill won the first end and were never caught, winning by 21 shots to 14. Bernadette Martindill, Jan Smith and Skip Chris Hills got off to a good start and led 12-1 after seven ends. Then the wheels came off their wagon as they only won two more ends and lost by 15 shots to 21.
J.Hales, K.Smith & C.Martindill beat S.Venables, B.Jakes & P.Lohr 21-14; B.Martindill, J.Smith & C.Hills lost to C.Hoare, D.Venables & A.Goddard 15-21.

There were two matches for our bowlers on Wednesday; we had a Mixed Friendly at home against North Herts and our Blue team were away to Hertford.

Datchworth 49 North Herts 49
The match against North Herts ended in a creditable 49 shots apiece draw, after playing fourteen ends because of the heat. John Ellis, Maureen Blunt and Skip Clyde Martindill went from 5-4 up after six ends, to 14-4 up after eleven ends and eventually won by 18 shots to 6. Jim Whittle, Ann Edwards and Skip Maurice Gordon led 2-0 after two ends, then they went 2-9 down four ends later and after sharing the closing eight ends equally they lost by 8 shots to 18. Bernadette Martindill, Ian Tyler and Skip Graham Akers picked up six shots on the ninth end, to lead 13-6. And after winning just two of the closing five ends they won by 15 shots to 11. Despite sharing the ends equally Linda Tyler, Sue Ellis and Skip Richard Harper did not recover from dropping eight shots over the third to fifth end and eventually lost by 8 shots to 14.
J.Ellis, M.Blunt & C.Martindill beat M.Summerville, L.Brown & J.Tebbutt 18-6; J.Whittle, A.Edwards & M.Gordon lost to N.Leslie, S.Field & A.Denniss 8-18; B.Martindill, I.Tyler & G.Akers beat A.Morris, S.Douglas & P.Risborough 15-11; L.Tyler, S.Ellis & R.Harper lost to J.Minton, D.Glider & R.Edmett 8-14.

Datchworth Blue 27 Hertford 29
Our Men, in the form of our Blue team, paid the first of two visits this week, to Peg’s Lane to play Hertford in an East Herts Bowls League Div. 1 match and lost a close encounter by two shots, 27-29. Rob Hazeu, Steve Arnold and Skip Les Parsley got off to a bad start as they found themselves 2 shots to 12 down after nine ends. They fought back to 12 all after fifteen ends; only to drop a three on the next end, to go 12-15 down with two ends to play. They picked up two shots on the penultimate end and were holding two shots of the final end until the Hertford Skip, Gary Warrender, drew in with his last wood to get shot; only after our wood, that was a measure for shot fell away from the Jack, leaving Gary Warrender’s wood holding shot, after waiting the required 30 seconds after the last wood of an end has come to rest before woods can be chocked and measured. George Campbell, Derek Henley and Skip Peter Hills built up a 7 shot to 1 lead after six ends and held on to that lead until they were caught at 10 all, after fourteen ends. The scores were level twice more over the closing four ends. The final time was on the final end when they picked up two shots to draw 13 shots apiece.
R.Hazeu, S.Arnold & L.Parsley lost to C.Sage, B.Emsley & G.Warrender 14-16; G.Campbell, D.Henley & P.Hills drew with A.Costin, A.Warren & M.Rowe 13 all.

Datchworth v Riverain
This re-arranged Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match on Thursday night was called off in the morning due to the forecast heavy thunderstorms, which, as fate would have it never materialized.

On Friday night there were two more matches for our bowlers. Our Men paid their second visit to Hertford’s Peg’s Lane green, this time for a Men’s County League match and our Women travelled to Baldock for a North Herts Women’s Bowling Association match.

Datchworth Men 32 Hertford Men 34
Our Men paid their second visit to Peg’s Lane to play their counterparts from Hertford and for the second time it ended in a two shot defeat; this time in a Men’s County League match, 32-34. Dickie Jackson, Terry Metcalf, Steve Arnold and Skip Les Parsley led 8-0 after four ends, but were caught at 10 all after eleven ends. After that they only lost one more end and with the bowl’s “luck” going their way they picked up thirteen shots over the closing seven ends to win by 23 shots to 11. On the other rink, Graham Akers, Keith Smith, Rob Hazeu and Skip Derek Henley were 1-8 down after five ends and went into the final end 6-23 down knowing they needed five shots to draw the match overall. They did manage to pick up three shots though, to lose by 9 shots to 23.
D.Jackson, T.Metcalf, S.Arnold & L.Parsley beat P.Sullivan, M.Toynton, J.Sapsed & D.MacKenzie 23-11; G.Akers, K.Smith, R.Hazeu & D.Henley lost to C.Sage, A.Costin, M.Rowe & V.Greenberg 9-23.

Datchworth Women 33 Baldock Women 24
At Baldock’s green our Women won by 33 shots to 24. Rachel Jones, Ann Edwards and Skip Jan Smith trailed 1-7 after five ends and fought back to level the scores at 8 shots apiece after ten ends. From there they won five of the remaining eight ends, to win by 18 shots to 12. Linda Tyler, lucy Williams and Skip Chris Hills built up a healthy 10 shot to 3 lead after nine ends. They were still ahead 15-8 with two ends to play. They both of those ends but hung on to win by 15 shots to 12.
R.Jones, A.Edwards & J.Smith beat N.Graham, S.Berry & M.A.Haskins 18-12; L.Tyler, L.Williams & C.Hills beat J.Undrell, W.Budge & J.Turner 15-12.

Datchworth 54 Three Horseshoes 54
On Saturday afternoon Three Horseshoes were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match; which ended in a 54 shots apiece draw, but a points loss for us, having won one Rink and lost two. Jan Smith, Jack Harper, Richard Harper and Skip Steve Chamberlain started off well and led 8-0 after four ends. They were pegged back to all square at 11 apiece after twelve ends, and were 14-17 down going into the last end. They managed to pick up the four shots they needed to draw their game 17 all. But they lost the extra end that had to be played. Janet Akers, Howard Carrick, Julian Hales and Skip Derek Henley built up a healthy lead of 15-0 after six ends before losing seven of the closing twelve ends to win by 23 shots to 10. Pauline Whybrow, Ann Edwards, George Campbell and Skip Graham Akers by contrast were 0-14 down after seven ends and despite winning six of the remaining eleven ends they lost by 14 shots to 27, with their shot deficit helped by dropping six shots on the final end.
J.Smith, J.Harper, R.Harper & S.Chamberlain drew with S.Cole, G.Thurgood, D.Wilkinson & C.Cole 17 all; J.Akers, H.Carrick, J.Hales & D.Henley beat M.Cooper, M.Vooght, D.Briars & S.Roles 23-10; P.Whybrow, A.Edwards, G.Campbell & G.Akers lost to J.Vooght, S.Powell, K.Wilkinson & K.Lovelock 14-27.

Datchworth v Hoddesdon and Rye Park
This Mixed Friendly match at home on Sunday afternoon was called off by the visitors as they had to play an external competition match on Sunday night. Instead, we played an in-house “Them against Us” match and it was the “Them” team that came out on top 51-42. Sue Ellis, Dickie Jackson, Barbara Williams and Skip Terry Metcalf beat Linda Tyler, Bernadette Martindill, Ian Green and Skip Derek Henley 19-18. Clyde Martindill, Ian Williams and Skip Ian Tyler beat Richard Harper, Graham Akers and Skip John Gordon 21-8. Jim Smith, John Ellis and Skip Mike Usher lost to Rachel Jones, Celia Gordon and Skip Alfie Williams 11-16.

Website Report for week ending 11th August 2024.

Datchworth Men 38 Hertford Men 28
On Monday night our Men faced their counterparts from Hertford for the third time in six days, this time in the East Herts Bowls League’s Ranson Cup, with one Rink at home and one Rink away and for once they managed to beat them, 38-28. At our Turkey Farm green Dickie Jackson, Terry Metcalf, Steve Arnold and Skip Les Parsley lost a tight game, after losing two more ends than they won, by two shots, 15-17. At Hertford’s Peg’s Lane green Graham Akers, Rob Hazeu, Jim Smith and Skip Derek Henley built up a 12-2 lead after eight ends. After that the remaining ten ends were shared equally and they never lost their lead, winning by 23 shots to 11.
D.Jackson, T.Metcalf, S.Arnold & L.Parsley lost to C.Sage, A.Costin, A.Warren & G.Warrender 15-17; G.Akers, R.Hazeu, J.Smith & D.Henley beat D.MacKenzie, M.Rowe, M.Toynton & V.Greenberg 23-11.

Datchworth 29 Shire Park Green 26
On Tuesday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled the short distance to Tewin to take on Shire Park Green in a Div. 2 match and narrowly beat them by 29 shots to 26. Howard Carrick, Bernadette Martindill and Skip Richard Harper had an awful first twelve ends, winning just one end and trailed 1-16 as a result. They did make a fight of it over the closing six ends, as they won four of them, but they still lost by 6 shots to 19. It was the reverse story for Roger Tomlinson, Clyde Martindill and Skip Ian Williams. They were 19-4 up after twelve ends and they too won four of the closing six ends to win by 23 shots to 7.
H.Carrick, B.Martindill & R.Harper lost to A.Childs, A.Goddard & B.Kieber 6-19; R.Tomlinson, C.Martindill & I.Williams beat C.Hoare, T.Grills & P.Ashwell 23-7.

There were three matches for our bowlers on Wednesday night. Both of our East Herts Bowls League teams were in action, along with our North Herts Women’s Bowling Association team.

Datchworth Blue 30 B.S.P. 37
Our Blue team were away to B.S.P. in their final Div. 1 match of the season at W.G.C’s KGV green. Neither Triple really got to grips with the pace of the green. Despite leading 6-0 after just two ends and 15-11 after twelve ends, George Campbell, Derek Henley and Skip Peter Hills lost the next five ends, to trail 15-21. They did pick up two shots on the final end to lose by 17 shots to 21. Ian Bartlett, Steve Arnold and Skip Jim Smith trailed 0-10 after five ends and despite winning nine of the remaining thirteen ends they lost 13-16.
G.Campbell, D.Henley & P.Hills lost to D.Ingram, B.Clark & G.Smith 17-21; I.Bartlett, S.Arnold & J.Smith lost to B.Reeves, N.Dickenson & J.Matthews 13-16.

Datchworth Gold 30 Stevenage Reds 21
Our Gold team were at Stevenage’s Sish Lane green to take on Stevenage Reds and they beat them by 30 shots to 21. Dave Castle, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Chamberlain led from the start and were leading 9-8 after fifteen ends. But they dropped a five on the next end to trail 9-13. They did pick up three shots over the closing two ends to lose by 12 shots to 13. Andy Short, Julian Hales and Skip Terry Metcalf were all square at 4 shots apiece after six ends. After that they only lost three ends and ran out winners by 18 shots to 8.
D.Castle, K.Smith & S.Chamberlain lost to J.Holmes, R.Gasson & J.Winters 12-15; A.Short, J.Hales & T.Metcalf beat T.Smith, P.Wilkinson & K.Smith 18-8.

Datchworth Women 26 Stevenage Women 36
Our Women were also in action at Stevenage, in a North Herts Women’s Bowling Association match against their Women and they lost 26-36. Lucy Williams, Janet Akers and Skip Jan Smith only won six ends as they went down by 6 shots to 20. Sue Ellis, Barbara Williams and Skip Ann Edwards went 0-9 down after five ends then 6-16 down after eleven ends. After that they never put a foot wrong as they won all of the remaining seven ends to come from behind to win by 20 shots to 16.
L.Williams, J.Akers & J.Smith lost to L.Crick, P.Smith & K.Heniker 6-20; S.Ellis, B.Williams & A.Edwards beat P.Kent, S.Planagon & B.North 20-16.

Datchworth 25 Kimpton 37
On Thursday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled to Kimpton and were beaten by 37 shots to 25. Andy Short, Ian Green and Skip Terry Metcalf had a close game for thirteen ends, when the score was 9 shots apiece. After that they only won one end and went down by 10 shots to 16. Dropping a six on the fourth end did the damage early on for Jack Harper, Jan Smith and Skip Richard Harper, as that meant they were 1-8 down at that stage. They then went 4-15 down after nine ends, before finding some form to win six of the remaining nine ends to cut their losing deficit down to 15-21.
A.Short, I.Green & T.Metcalf lost to D.Desborough, M.New & G.Durant 10-16; J.Harper, J.Smith & R.Harper lost to S.New, N.Burns & D.Truscott 15-21.

There were two matches for our bowlers on Friday night, our Men were at Sawbridgeworth for a Men’s County league match and our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team were at home to Hertford Wild cards.

Datchworth Men 30 Sawbridgeworth Men 27
At Sawbridgeworth, for the third time in three weeks, our men won a tight match by 30 shots to 27. Dickie Jackson, Rob Hazeu, Jim Smith and Skip Les Parsley went from 10-4 up, after eight ends to 10-17 down after fifteen ends, after a change in jack length worked for the home team. They did manage to win the closing three ends and cut their losing deficit down to three shots, 14-17. At that point Graham Akers, Steve Arnold, Derek Henley and Skip Peter Hills were playing their penultimate ends and were 12-10 ahead; meaning our Men were one shot adrift overall. An almost identical situation our Blue team found themselves a week previous; then needing two shots to win the match. They picked up one shot on that end; meaning the scores were level overall. They went on to pick up three shots on their final end to win by 16 shots to 10 and by 30 shots to 27 overall.
D.Jackson, R.Hazeu, J.Smith & L.Parsley lost to I.Casey, P.Neale, M.Harris & A.Benson-Nutt 14-17; G.Akers, S.Arnold, D.Henley & P.Hills beat P.Clewes-Garner, K.Brown, K.Tyrrell & D.Fox 16-10.

Datchworth 46 Hertford Wild Cards 27
At our Turkey Farm green our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team beat Hertford Wild Cards by 46 shots to 27. Rachel Jones, Keith Smith and Skip Chris Hills picked up a six on the first end, dropped a six on the sixth end, to be 12-8 ahead, and picked up a second six on the thirteenth end to go 23-15 ahead. They then won just two of the closing six ends to win by 26 shots to 20. Janet Akers, Ann Edwards and Skip Julian Hales lost just six ends in their game as they won by 20 shots to 7.
R.Jones, K.Smith & C.Hills beat A.Glover, B.Dorrison & D.Wild 26-20; J.Akers, A.Edwards & J.Hales beat S.Sage, K.Millard & J.Tattersall 20-7.

Datchworth 58 St. Ippolytts 44
On Saturday afternoon we travelled to St. Ippolytts for our first of two Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League matches of the weekend and came away with an impressive 58 shot to 44 win and maximum points; considering we are bottom of the League, ten places below St. Ippolytts in third, nearly 50 points ahead of us. Chris Hills, Ann Edwards, Graham Akers and Skip Les Parsley rode their luck very early on and led 12-0 after just three ends. They kept their noses in front from then on and the remaining fifteen ends were shared 8-7 in St. Ippolytts favour and their 12 shot advantage from the first three ends was cut to eight as they won by 22 shots to 14. Jan Smith, Howard Carrick, Dave Castle and Skip Steve Arnold won three of the first four ends, with one end tied, and led 5-0. The scores were level for the fourth time, at 10 shots apiece after fourteen ends. They then won the next three ends, to go into the final end 17-10 ahead. They dropped one shot on the final end to win by 17 shots to 11. The tea-break did not work in Rachel Jones, Keith Smith, Richard Harper and Skip Peter Hills’ favour. As they went into it 14-2 ahead. They immediately dropped a six after it and a further seven on the fourteenth end and their lead was cut to 18-15. Three more losing ends saw them go into the final end 18-19 down. They managed to pick up the shot they needed to draw their game 19 shots apiece. They then won the extra end the League rule requires to be played in the event of a drawn Rink, to make it an impressive three rink win against a team much higher in the League.
C.Hills, A.Edwards, G.Akers & L.Parsley beat P.Owen, L.Johnstone, K.Martin & C.Davidson 22-14; J.Smith, H.Carrick, D.Castle & S.Arnold beat D.Howard, R.Orchard, J.Farley & C.Childs 17-11; R.Jones, K.Smith, R.Harper & P.Hills drew with C.Farley, B.Impey, P.Moodey & J.Clark 19 all.

Datchworth 55 Holwell 34
Holwell were the visitors to our Turkey Farm green for our second Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match of the weekend and they became our second victim of the weekend after being beaten by 55 shots to 34 on a green running a lot quicker than the one we played on the day before and we picked up maximum points again. Janet Akers, Jack Harper, Keith Smith and Skip Graham Akers picked up nine shots over the first three ends and never looked back, as they ran out winners by 24 shots to 12. It was a much more difficult game for Pauline Whybrow, John Ellis, Richard Harper and Skip Steve Arnold. They led 4-0 after three ends, then they were 4-7 down after eight ends and 11-14 down after fifteen ends. They then won the closing three ends to win by 16 shots to 14. Sue Ellis, Jan Smith and Skip Rob Hazeu picked up five shots on the fifth end, to lead 8-2 and were 16-3 ahead after eleven ends. After that they won three and lost four of the closing seven ends, to win by 19 shots to 8. But as they were a Triple playing a Rink they had to suffer shot penalties and as a result they ended up winning by 15 shots to 8.
J.Akers, J.Harper, K.Smith & G.Akers beat M.Carrick, W.Pennicott, C.Gardner & C.Millar 24-12; P.Whybrow, J.Ellis, R.Harper & S.Arnold beat D.Chilton, K.Scott, S.Bailey & A.Wilson 16-14; S.Ellis, J.Smith & R.Hazeu beat D.Weeks, J.Smith, D.Johnson & D.Hooper 15-8.

Website Report for week ending 18th August 2024.

Datchworth 43 Townsend 37
Our week of bowling started on Monday afternoon when Townsend were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a mixed Friendly and were beaten by 43 shots to 37 in a match shortened because of the hot weather. Lucy Williams, Ian Williams and Skip Graham Akers only lost the closing three ends as they won by 18 shots to 5. Alfie Williams, Ann Edwards and Skip Richard Harper dropped a five on the third end and never recovered from that and eventually lost by 9 shots to 11. Barbara Williams, Dave Castle and Skip Clyde Martindill dropped two fives on their way to losing by 9 shots to 14. Mike Usher, Ian Green and Skip Maurice Gordon shared the ends equally as they drew 7 shots apiece.
L.Williams, I.Williams & G.Akers beat R.Morgan, A.Alcock & B.Padget 18-5; A.Williams, A.Edwards & R.Harper lost to J & T.Marriott & R.Potter 9-11; B.Williams, D.Castle & C.Martindill lost to B.Connelly, R.Ranstead & A.Charran 9-14; M.Usher, I.Green & M.Gordon drew with R.Williamson, H.Carrick & G.Williamson 7 all.

Datchworth 41 Riverain 59
Our short winning run in the Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League ended on Tuesday evening after Riverain beat us by 59 shots to 41 on our Turkey Farm green. Sue Ellis, Phil Holzbauer, Graham Akers and Skip Steve Arnold dropped a five on the fifth end, to go 5-7 down and try as they may they never got back in the hunt and lost by 11 shots to 20. Alfie Williams, Ann Edwards, Janet Akers and Skip Steve Chamberlain were 2-8 down after eight ends, but they fought back, including picking up two fives on their way to winning by 18 shots to 15. Lucy Williams, John Ellis, Richard Harper and Skip Les Parsley shared the ends equally, but dropping two fours and an eight contributed to them losing by 12 shots to 24.
S.Ellis, P.Holzbauer, G.Akers & S.Arnold lost to R.Cocks, M.Myles, J.White & R.Else 11-20; A.Williams, A.Edwards, J.Akers & S.Chamberlain beat L.White, D.Truscott, D.Stephenson & S.Bradbury 18-15; L.Williams, J.Ellis, R.Harper & L.Parsley lost to G.Brown, T.Boon, A.Weaver & D.Jefferies 12-24.

There were two Cup matches for our bowlers on Wednesday night. Our East Herts Bowls League team were up against Potters Bar in the Semi Final of the League’s Ranson Cup. Our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team were up against Shire Park Yellow in the Semi Final of the League’s Jubilee Cup.

Datchworth 27 Potters Bar 32
In the Ranson Cup Semi Final, with one Rink at home and one away we lost by 27 shots to 32. At our Turkey Farm green Dickie Jackson, Terry Metcalf, Steve Arnold and Skip Les Parsley were 5-0 ahead after five ends, but they only won one of the following eight ends and found themselves 7-14 down. The closing four ends were shared equally as they lost by 12 shots to 18. At Potters Bar’s green Graham Akers, Rob Hazeu, Jim Smith and Skip Derek Henley were level for the fifth time at 9 shots apiece after twelve ends. They then lost the following two ends, to go 9-14 down, but won the closing four ends to come from behind and win by 15 shots to 14.
D.Jackson, T.Metcalf, S.Arnold & L.Parsley beat C.Mahoney, S.Jewell, P.Stevenson & B.Woodham 12-18; G.Akers, R.Hazeu, J.Smith & D.Henley beat D.Salmon, T.Sidi, D.Sparrow & R.Pearce 15-14.

Datchworth 40 Shire Park Yellow 24
In the Jubilee Cup Semi Final, with one Rink at home and one away we won by 40 shots to 24. At home Barbara Williams, Jan Smith, Andy Short and Skip Keith Smith lost only four ends as they romped to a 26 shots to 8 win. At Shire Park’s green Ian Green, Howard Carrick, Ian Williams and Skip Richard Harper led from the start and were 14-12 ahead with two ends to play. They lost both of those ends, dropping two shots each time, losing by 14 shots to 16.
B.Williams, J.Smith, A.Short & K.Smith beat S.Callapine, E.Wulcko, D.Warner & B.Draycott 26-8; I.Green, H.Carrick, I.Williams & R.Harper lost to L.Draycott, D.Wulcko, K.Brazier & G.Edwards 14-16.

Datchworth Gold 25 Northaw and Cuffley 53
On Thursday night our Gold team played hosts to Northaw and Cuffley in their penultimate East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match and were beaten by 53 shots to 25. Although Andy Short, Clyde Martindill and Skip Terry Metcalf shared the ends equally, including winning all but two of the closing seven ends, they lost heavily, 17-26. Dave Castle, Julian Hales and Skip Steve Chamberlain were in the hunt for twelve ends, at 8-12 down. But they lost the closing six ends, including dropping five on the last end, to lose by 8 shots to 27.
A.Short, C.Martindill & T.Metcalf lost to R.Munt, C.Barrie & R.Barwick 17-26; D.Castle, J.Hales & S.Chamberlain lost to M.Manzi, M.Bryant & L.Curtis 8-27.

Datchworth Women 27 Royston Women 47
On Friday night our Women were at home to their counterparts from Royston in a North Herts Women’s Bowling Association league match and were beaten by 47 shots to 27. Rachel Jones, Jenny Holzbauer and Skip Chris Hills lost the first four ends and trailed 0-4, they then led 11-9 after eight ends. They then lost six of the remaining ten ends to lose by 15 shots to 19. Sue Ellis, Janet Akers and Skip Jan Smith led 5-2 after four ends, but four ends later they were 6-12 down. They then lost seven of the remaining ten ends and lost by 12 shots to 28.
R.Jones, J.Holzbauer & C.Hills lost to S.Warner, T.Powell-Birley & J.Homer 15-19; S.Ellis, J.Akers & J.Smith lost to J.Thompson, D.Brown & R.Powell-Birley 12-28.

Datchworth Gold v Castles
This East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match on Friday night was postponed for the second time as Castles could not field a full team due to other Club commitments.

Datchworth 89 Ware 59
On Saturday afternoon Ware were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Mixed Friendly and were beaten by 89 shots to 59. Richard Hutchinson, Sue Ellis, Dave Castle and Skip Graham Akers led 10-0 after five ends, but were pegged back to 12-11 six ends later. They then won all but two of the remaining ends to win by 23 shots to 13. Pauline Whybrow, Ian Tyler, Dickie Jackson and Skip Derek Henley were 5-2 up after five ends, but were all square, at 6 shots apiece, after ten ends. They then only lost two of the remaining ends, to win by 16 shots to 9. Picking up two fives helped Janet Akers, Jim Whittle, who was replaced by Debra Freeman at half time, for her first match with us, Terry Metcalf and Skip Les Parsley in their 22 shot to 8 win. Alfie Williams, Linda Tyler, Ian Williams and Skip Steve Arnold led 6-2 after six ends. It was a lead they never lost as they won by 18 shots to 12. Annette Hutchinson, John Ellis, Maurice Gordon and Skip Richard Harper, who was replaced by Phil Holzbauer at half time, led 7-3 after eight ends. But they only won two more ends as they lost by 10 shots to 17.
R.Hutchinson, S.Ellis, D.Castle & G.Akers beat C.Mason, S.Wilson, J.Best & A.Franklin 23-13; P.Whybrow, I.Tyler, D.Jackson & D.Henley beat K.Crathern, R.Woolfe, S.Sullivan & M.Dudley 16-9; J.Akers, J.Whittle/D.Freeman, T.Metcalf & L.Parsley eat R.Davis, M.Challis, J.Evans & M.Gray 22-8; A.Williams, L.Tyler, I.Williams & S.Arnold beat A.Morgan, T.Allen, M.Marriott & J.Mustoe 18-12; A.Hutchinson, J.Ellis, M.Gordon & R.Harper/P.Holzbauer lost to D.Marley, S.Earl, M.Lockwood & H.Mason 10-17.

Datchworth 67 Harpenden 52
On Sunday afternoon we travelled to Harpenden for another Mixed Friendly and came away with a 67 shot to 52 win. Alfie Williams, Rachel Jones and Skip Steve Arnold led for the first five ends, lost the lead on the sixth end, regained on the seventh, were level on the eighth end and regained it for the second time on the ninth end. They never lost the lead again as they ran out winners by 17 shots to 14. Sharron French, Dickie Jackson and Skip Ian Williams won the first end, lost the lead two ends later and remained behind until they drew level at 11 shots apiece on the penultimate end. They then dropped a three on the final end to lose by 11 shots to 14. Maureen Blunt, Julian Hales and Skip Rob Hazeu picked up a five on the third end, to lead 6-1. But they were caught three ends later before winning the next three ends, to lead 14-6. They held on to that lead till the end, winning by 22 shots to 13. Jack Harper, Ian Green and Skip Derek Henley won seven ends in a row, to go from4-6 down, after seven ends, to 15-6 up, after fourteen ends. The last four ends were shared equally as they won by 17 shots to 9.
A.Williams, R.Jones & S.Arnold beat S.Rose, J.Polly & I.Thomas 17-14; S.French, D.Jackson & I.Williams lost to S.Pearson, J.Chang & J.Millens 11-14; M.Blunt, J.Hales & R.Hazeu beat A.Ng, M.Pearson & J.McEvoy 22-13; J.Harper, I.Green & D.Henley beat A.Hockley, B.Gilbert & A.Rose 17-9.

Website Report for week ending 25th August 2024.

Two matches were played by our bowlers on Monday night; our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team travelled to North Mymms for the first of three Div.2 matches this week and our North Herts Women’s Bowling Association team were at home to their counterparts from St Ippolytts.

Datchworth 29 North Mymms 22
At North Mymms our team won both Triples to beat the division leaders by 29 shots to 22. Rachel Jones, Julian Hales and Skip Terry Metcalf won six ends in a row, from the fourth end to the ninth end, to lead by 13 shots to 2. It was a lead they never lost; despite losing the closing four ends, they won by 16 shots to 11. Andy Short, Chris Hills and Skip Richard Harper led 8-2 after eight ends and despite losing six of the remaining ten ends, they hung on to win by 13 shots to 11.
R.Jones, J.Hales & T.Metcalf beat R.Aley, C.Wootton & A.Wootton 16-11; A.Short, C.Hills & R.Harper beat R.Matthews, A.Donovan & P.Thomson 13-11.

Datchworth Women 30 St Ippolytts Women 38
At our Turkey Farm green our Women lost to their counterparts from St Ippolytts by 30 shots to 38. Pauline Whybrow, Jenny Holzbauer and Skip Jan Smith built up a 14 shot to 9 lead after thirteen ends. But disaster struck on the fourteenth end when they dropped a six, to go 12-15 down. They did not win another end until they picked up one shot on the final end, to lose by 15 shots to 21. Barbara Williams, Janet Akers and Skip Ann Edwards lost the first three ends before winning five of the next six ends to lead by 10 shots to 4. But the wheels came of their waggon after that as they lost the next five ends, to trail by 10 shots to 15. They did win three of the closing four end though, but still lost by 15 shots to 17.
P.Whybrow, J.Holzbauer & J.Smith lost to S.Hughes, L.Johnstone & H.Southall 15-21; B.Williams, J.Akers & A.Edwards lost to J.Butcher, R.Howard & C.Farley 15-17.

Datchworth 35 Whitethorn 58
On Tuesday afternoon we travelled to Letchworth Garden City to play Whitethorn in a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match and were beaten by 58 shots to 35. Chris Hills, Keith Smith, Graham Akers and Skip Steve Arnold had a close game, winning just two more ends than they lost and were just 13-12 in front with two ends to play. They picked up a five on the sixteen end, to stretch their lead to 18-12, then picked up one shot and dropped one shot over the closing two ends to win by 19 shots to 13. Rachel Jones, Linda Tyler, Neil Mean and Skip Dave Castle won just five ends as they crashed to a 9 shot to 25 defeat. It was a similar story for Ian Tyler, Jan Smith, Janet Akers and Skip Rob Hazeu, as they won six ends and lost by 7 shots to 20.
C.Hills, K.Smith, G.Akers & S.Arnold beat R.Devine, R.Murden, C.Conlon & A.Fabris 19-13; R.Jones, L.Tyler, N.Mean & D.Castle lost to M.Gowlett, D.Nicholls, S.Worsley & T.Pinchin 9-25; I.Tyler, J.Smith, J.Akers & R.Hazeu lost to L.Morley, M.Farron, C.Morley & G.Blackbourne 7-20.

Datchworth 51 Parkside Woods 22
On Wednesday night we played our second of three Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League Div. 2 matches, at home to Parkside Woods, and beat them by 51 shots to 22. Maureen Blunt, Keith Smith and Skip Ian Williams could do no wrong as they restricted their opponents to three winning ends as they beat them comprehensively by 40 shots to 6. It was a different story for Janet Akers, Phil Berry and Skip Clyde Martindill. They lost the lead on the fourth end and got within a shot of their opponents for the third time, at 8-9 down on the thirteenth end. They won two of the closing five ends to lose by 11 shots to 16.
M.Blunt, K. Smith & I.Williams beat G.Robertson, E.Burke & T.Wilkinson 40-6; J.Akers, P.Berry & C.Martindill lost to J.Croshaw, S.Brzeski & L.Clarke 11-18.

Datchworth 28 Jesters 43
On Thursday night their second Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League Div. 2 match in a row, and their third of the week, was at Hertford’s Peg’s Lane green and they lost by 43 shots to 28 to a strong Jesters team. Jack Harper, Rachel Jones and Skip Julian Hales struggled to find the green all night, as they only won five ends in their 5 shots to 31 defeat. Pauline Whybrow, Ian Green and Skip Richard Harper fared better as they restricted their opposition to seven winning ends and ran out winners by 23 shots to 12.
J.Harper, R.Jones & J.Hales lost to J.Arber, D.Cheshire & K.Leathorne 5-31; P.Whybrow, I.Green & R.Harper beat A.Martin, A.Gibbs & M.Howett 23-12.

Datchworth 51 Stevenage Town 39
On Friday night Stevenage Town were the visitors to our Turkey Farm green for a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match and were beaten by 51 shots to 39 after winning just one of the three Rinks played. Janet Akers, Roger Tomlinson, Ian Green and Skip Les Parsley lost the first three ends, to go 0-3 down. They were all square at 3 shots apiece, two end later. They were all square again, at 6 shots apiece, on the ninth end before they fell 6-10 down two ends later. Despite winning four of the closing seven ends they still lost by 12 shots to 16. Maureen Blunt, Jack Harper, Keith Smith and Skip Graham Akers could do no wrong as they restricted their opposition to just four winning ends as they won handsomely by 25 shots to 5. Dickie Jackson, Phil Holzbauer, Jan Smith and Steve Chamberlain trailed from the start before the scores were all square for the third time, at 7 shots apiece, after ten ends. They then won just three of the closing seven ends to lose by 14 shots to 18.J.Akers, R.Tomlinson, I.Green & L.Parsley lost to B.Piggott, S.Argent, L.Crick & P.Smith 12-16; M.Blunt, J.Harper, K.Smith & G.Akers beat P.Kent, A.Bruce, P.Sparrow & T.Kent 25-5; D.Jackson, P.Holzbauer, J.Smith & S.Chamberlain lost to R.McRae, T.Barley, R.Smith & S.Wilson 14-18.

The weekend was our Finals Weekend, but it did not start well as the rain cause havoc on Saturday and all the day’s Finals had to be postponed and, along with Sunday’s Finals, had to be re-scheduled over Sunday and Monday.
On Sunday morning the Open 4s, Mixed Triples, Handicap Singles and Ladies Two Wood Singles were all played. In the Open Fours Linda Tyler, Dave Castle, Dickie Jackson and Skip Derek Henley took an early lead and held it until they were caught at 9 shot apiece after twelve ends. They then trailed 10-13 after seventeen ends. They then won the next three ends, to lead 16-13 before dropping two shots on the final end to win by one shot, 16-15. In the Mixed Triples Howard Carrick, Ian Bartlett and Skip Steve Chamberlain restricted Jan Smith, Terry Metcalf and Skip Les Parsley to four winning ends as they won by 25 shots to 7. In the Handicap Singles the scores were level between Graham Akers and Keith Smith for the sixth time, at 19 shots apiece, after twenty-two ends. Graham picked up one shot on the next end before Keith picked up two shots on the following end to win by 21 shots to 20. In the Ladies Two Wood Singles Rachel Jones led 9-3 against Lucy Williams after seven ends. She was caught and overtaken at 9-10, after twelve ends. The scores were level for the third time, at 14 shots apiece, after nineteen ends. Lucy then won the closing two ends to win by 17 shots to 14.
On Sunday afternoon the 4-3-2-1, Ladies Singles, Men’s Singles and the Arnold Memorial Trophy were all played. In the 4-3-2-1 Final there never more than five points separating Derek Henley from Jim Smith until Derek picked up 7 points on the fifteenth end, to lead 83-67. Jim then picked up 7, 8 and 7 points on the following three ends, but Derek picked up 3, 2 and 3 points over the same ends, to edge the win by 91 points to 89 points. In the Ladies Singles Barbara Williams restricted Chris Hills to just five winning ends as she ran out the winner by 21 shots to 6. In the Men’s Singles Ian Green took an early 6-0 lead over Les Parsley. Then Les started his fightback by winning seven of the next ten ends to lead 14-10. Ian then fought back to get on level terms at 16 shots apiece after eighteen ends. Les then won the following three ends to win by 21 shots to 16. The Arnold Memorial Trophy, between Lucy Williams and Dave Castle, both playing in their second Final of the day, was the last Final to finish. Dave led for all but one of twenty-two ends, when he was 20-15 ahead. Then Lucy fought back to win four ends in a row and square the match at 20 shots apiece, with everyone watching after the other Finals had finished. Then, with both needing just one shot to win, she held two shots with Dave having to bowl his last wood. It only just missed the Jack as it went through the head, leaving Lucy with two shots and the win by 22 shots to 20, completing her fightback after Dave needed just one shot to win and Lucy six shots to win. It was Lucy’s second win of the weekend in only her second season since she started bowling with us, having never bowled before.

Website Report for week ending 1 st September 2024.

On Monday we played the remaining Club Finals that could not be played over the weekend. It started in the morning with the Mixed and Ladies Pair and Open 2 Wood Finals, followed by the Men’s Pairs and Yardstick Finals in the afternoon. In the Mixed Pairs Jan and Keith Smith led 8-0 after four ends and it was a lead they never lost as they beat Maureen Blunt and Rob Hazeu by 21 shots to 15. In the Ladies’ Pairs it was a similar story for Jenny Holzbauer and Rachel Jones as they led Pauline Whybrow and Chris Hills 11-1 after nine ends and ended up winning by 25 shots to 7. In the Open 2 Wood Final Dickie Jackson raced to an 11 shot to nothing lead against Julian Hales after seven ends before winning by 16 shots to 3. It was close in the Men’s Pairs between Keith and Jim Smith and Dave Castle and Les Parsley for seventeen ends, when the scores were level at 11 shots apiece. Then the Smith combination won the next three ends, to lead 19-11 going into the final end. They dropped five shots on that end to win by 19 shots to 16. It was close for the first eight ends in the Yardstick Final between Jan Smith, on 13 points, Derek Henley on 16 and Ian Bartlett on 13 points. After thirteen ends Jan had 22 points, Derek had 24 and Ian had dropped back on 14. Three ends later Derek had stretched his lead over Jan to 29 to 23. Jan never caught up and Derek won with 36 points, followed by Jan with 32 and Ian with 24.

Datchworth 64 W.G.C. 81
On Tuesday afternoon we travelled to Welwyn Garden City’s Digswell Park’s green for a Mixed Friendly and were beaten by 81-64. Jack Harper, Sue Ellis and Skip Dave Castle lost the lead on the seventh end and remained behind until they took the lead, 16-14 on the sixteenth end, but they lost the closing two ends to lose 16-17. John Ellis, Ann Edwards and Skip Richard Harper dropped a six on the eighth end, to trail 4-11. They were still 10-12 down with five ends to play. They won all of those ends, picking up fourteen shots in the process, to win by 24 shots to 12. Linda Tyler, Barbara Williams and Skip Richard Brewster lost the first two ends and remained behind all the way through, eventually losing by 11 shots to 29. Sharon French, Ian Tyler and Skip Ian Williams lost the first three ends and also remained behind until they lost by 13 shots to 23.
J.Harper, S.Ellis & D.Castle lost to J.Norton, K.Powell & B.Stewart 16-17; J.Ellis, A.Edwards & R.Harper beat I.Cocksedge, M.Fowsler & D.Reed 24-12; L.Tyler, B.Williams & R.Brewster lost to S.Hill, J.Wright & C.Avery 11-29; S.French, I.Tyler & I.Williams lost to B.Jones, C.Gibbs & E.Avery 13-23.

On Tuesday night our green was used by the East Herts Bowls League for the Semi Finals of their Pairs’ K.O. competition. Ross Murphy’s Pair beat Michael Zonierowicz’s Pair, in an all Buntingford clash. They will take on Harry Wright’s Pair, from Sele Farm, who beat Kim
Rogers’ Pair from Cheshunt.

Datchworth 35 Welwyn Wanderers 51
On Wednesday night our Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League team played their final Div. 2 match of the season when Welwyn Wanderers were the visitors to the Turkey Farm and were beaten by 51 shots to 35. Jan Smith, Chris Hills and Skip Richard Harper lost the first four ends, to trail 0-6, they never got back in the hunt and eventually lost by 13 shots to 23. It was a much different high scoring game for Janet Akers, Keith Smith and Skip Clyde Martindill. They won the first three ends, to lead 5-0. They were 13-6 ahead after eight ends. They then lost the following five ends, dropping multiple shots every time and trailed 13-23 as a result. They then won three of the closing five ends, including picking up five shots on the penultimate end, to lose by 22 shots to 28.
J.Smith, C.Hills & R.Harper lost to M.Voyle, R.Beasley & J.Knowles 13-23; J.Akers, K.Smith & C.Martindill lost to L.Page, T.Barnes & M.Reeve 22-28.

Datchworth 44 Aston 41
On Thursday night we made the short trip to Aston to play them in a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match and narrowly beat them by 44 shots to 41. Janet Akers, Ann Edwards, Ian Williams and Skip Richard Harper lost the first three ends and remained behind all the way to lose by 11 shots to 22. After winning four of the first five ends Dickie Jackson, Phil Holzbauer, Jan Smith and Skip Graham Akers led 9-1. Although they only won a further three ends they managed to win by 17 shots to 10. Rachel Jones, Barbara Williams, Terry Metcalf and Skip Steve Arnold led 10-8 with three ends to play. They picked up two 3s and dropped a shot on the final end to win by 16 shots 9.
J.Akers, A.Edwards, I.Williams & R.Harper lost to M.Beahan, J.Warner, T.Phipps & D.Noble 11-22; D.Jackson, P.Holzbauer, J.Smith & G.Akers beat K.O’Hanlon, J.Meek, M.Chambers & S.Mahoney 17-10; R.Jones, B.Williams, T.Metcalf & S.Arnold beat M.Allington, P.Wilkinson, B.Miller & E.O’Hanlon 16-9.

Datchworth Gold 33 Castles 29
On Friday night our Gold team played their final East Herts Bowls League Div. 2 match of the season when Hertford Castle’s Castles team were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a re-arranged match and beat them by 33 shots to 29. Phil Berry, Ian Green and Skip Terry Metcalf won a low scoring game by one shot, 11-10, after sharing the ends equally and picking up one 3 and dropping one 2, when only 1 shot was picked up on all the other ends. Phil Holzbauer, Dave Castle and Skip Richard Harper picked up a 4 on the first end and dropped a 4 on the final end in a higher scoring game than the other Triple as they won by 22 shots to 19. Picking up a maximum 6 points against the team currently sitting in second place in the Division does not guarantee them safety in Div. 2, as there are teams below them with matches in hand that could finish with more points than the Gold team.
P.Berry, I.Green & T.Metcalf beat K.Letham, M.Howett & M.Milne 11-10; P.Holzbauer, D.Castle & R.Harper beat A.Beeson, J.Streeton & A.Branford 22-19.

Also on Friday night Keith Smith played in the Jock Hunter Singles’ Finals, at W.G.C’s green, against Graham Stevens from Knebworth, one of the four Finals he had reached in the Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League KO competitions, and beat him by 21 shots to 10. The remaining three Finals were to be played on Sunday, the day we leave for our Tour to Torquay, at Hertford’s green.

Datchworth v Cheshunt
This home Mixed Friendly match on Saturday afternoon was cancelled by Cheshunt as they had other bowls’ commitments which meant that they could not field a team to play us. On Sunday we left for our Tour to Torquay with 37 players and guests. Two of those on the Tour, Jan and Keith Smith did not travel with us on the coach as they had Finals to play in the Welwyn Hatfield Bowls League Finals that were being played at Hertford’s Peg’s Lane green, before they travelled under their own steam down to our hotel in Torquay.
The first of those three Finals was the Triples’ Final, against a strong team of Bob Clarke, Dave Miller and Garry Smith, from B.S.P. But Jan Smith, Keith Smith and Terry Metcalf managed to come out on top and win by 18 shots to 15. Soon after that Keith was up against Tony Stickland from W.G.C in the Singles Finals and after a closely contested Final he came out on top with a 21 shot to 20 win. The Jubilee Cup Final followed almost immediately with two Fours of Jan Smith, Andy Short, Dave Castle and Skip Clyde Martindill and Howard Carrick, Bernadette Martindill, Keith Smith and Skip Terry Metcalf, up against two Fours from Hertford. The winning streak for Keith came to an end as they were heavily beaten by 48 shots to 18.

Website Report for week ending 8 th September 2024.

Datchworth 106 Torquay 125
On Monday afternoon our Tour started in earnest when we walked the short distance from our Torquay Leisure Hotel base down the road to play Torquay Bowling Club and were beaten by 125 shots to 106. We did win three of the seven Mixed Rinks played. Barbara Williams, Jean Curtis, George Campbell and Skip Peter Hills won by 20 shots to 12. Dickie Jackson, Gill Parsley, Ian Williams and Skip Chris Hill won by 15 shots to 13. Maureen Blunt, Jan Smith, Keith Smith and Skip Steve Arnold won by 18 shots to 16.
J.Smith, K.Smith & S.Arnold beat J.Welch, S.Adams, M.Boyle & A.Jordan 18-16; P.Whybrow, R.Tomlinson, J.Hales & K.Greenhall lost to L.Whittiner, I.Taylor, G.Gay & J.Gerrett 13-17; D.Jackson, G.Parsley, I.Williams & C.Hills beat J.Trueman, R.Perrett, B.Wigginton & T.Cripin 15-13; R.Jones, P.Holzbauer, R.Harper & L.Parsley lost to V.Gay, I.Boyle, P.Levick & G.Goffield 11-20; B.Williams, J.Curtis, G.Campbell & P.Hills beat K.Stowe, P.Keay, M.Brown & C.Marshall 20-12; J.Holzbauer, I.Green, S.Greenhall & G.Akers lost to M.Pudeur, P.Newton, D.Jordon & E.Crispin 14-25; J.Akers, A.Curtis, A.Edwards & D.Henley lost to R.Taylor, S.Flynn, P.Phillips & A.Hewitt 15-22.

Datchworth 110 Bitton Park 110
On Tuesday morning we travelled to Teignmouth, spent the morning there before we played Bitton Park Bowling Club in the afternoon and after another seven Mixed Rink match, we drew 110 shots apiece, after winning four and drawing one of those seven Rinks. Barbara Williams, Jean Curtis, Julian Hales and Skip Steve Arnold won by 15 shots to 13. Linda Tyler, Sandra Greenhall, Ian Green and Skip Peter Hills won by 22 shots to 11. Jim Whittle, Jan Smith, George Campbell and Skip Ken Greenhall won by 17 shots to 14. Rachel Jones, Pauline Whybrow, Keith Smith and Skip Graham Akers won by 15 shots to 12. And Maureen Blunt, Roger Tomlinson, Richard Harper and Skip Les Parsley drew 16 shots apiece.
P.Holzbauer, J.Harper, D.Jackson & D.Henley lost to A.Dutton, W.Lloyd, J.Harvey & M.Murgatroyd 13-15; J.Akers, I.Tyler, A.Curtis & I.Williams lost to C.Scott, J.Keohane, M.Russell & T.Ash 12-28; B.Williams, J.Curtis, J.Hales & S.Arnold beat A.Bucknell, O.Cayless, J.Pierce & D.Pope 15-13; L.Tyler, I.Green, S.Greenhall & P.Hills beat T.Jay, G.Baker, P.Backnall & S.Pook 22-11; J.Whittle, J.Smith, G.Campbell & K.Greenhall beat A.Price, D.Dingley, D.Mercer & D.Konetsky 17-14; M.Blunt, R.Tomlinson, R.Harper & L.Parsley drew with V.Queening, M.Rodway, K.Dunn & N.Murgatroyd 16 all; R.Jones, P.Whybrow, K.Smith & G.Akers beat J.Holsey, J.Greirson, A.Robert & T.Evans 15-12.

Datchworth 67 Totnes 119
On Wednesday we spent the morning in Totnes before playing Totnes in the afternoon and having played six Mixed Rinks we were heavily beaten by 119 shots to 67. We only had one winning Rink that of Janet Akers, Jim Whittle, Keith Smith and Skip Chris Hills. They were staring defeat in the face, going into the final end 13-17 down. But somehow, they managed to pick up five shots after Chris Hills managed to get her first wood into the count and the home Skip could do nothing to reduce the count; so, they won by 18 shots to 17.
P.Whybrow, P.Holzbauer, I.Green & G.Akers lost to C.Eatock, K.Sowerby, D.Hocking & M.Richards 13-19; J.Smith, L.Tyler, I.Williams & P.Hills lost to R.Hughes, M.Fletcher, T.Joseph & J.Roberts 8-24; J.Whittle, K.Smith, J.Akers & C.Hills beat B.Cawthorne, J.Barker, D.Haddigan & K.Law 18-17; G.Campbell, G.Parsley, D.Jackson & R.Harper lost to S.Houghton, M.Reed, G.Webb & L.Stock 8-30; J.Holzbauer, I.Tyler, M.Blunt & D.Henley lost to D.Fletcher, R.Eatock, G.Sowerby & P.Harris 11-15; B.Williams, J.Harper; A.Edwards & L.Parsley lost to D.Parnell, J.Mitchell, J.Goss & L.Joseph 9-19.

Our Thursday match against Babbacombe was called off in the morning due to the forecasted bad weather. Instead, TLH arranged a 2 hour timed match against Coventry and District Bowling Association, on the Indoor facility at the TLH complex, where both of us were staying. It ended in a 50 shot to 45 defeat. Our best Rink result was an 8 all draw for Pauline Whybrow, Alan Curtis, Barbara Williams and Skip Ken Greenhall.
R.Jones, J.Harper, J.Smith & G.Akers lost to L.Hayman, D.Fester, B.Ogara & J.Harman 11- 14; P.Whybrow, A.Curtis, B.Williams & K.Greenhall drew with W.McMahon, K.McMahon, L.Churohley & T.Shorey 8 all; I.Tyler, M.Blunt, J.Hales & S.Arnold lost to M.Homer, T.Hitchcock, T.Griffiths & N.Crowther 10-11; J.Curtis, S.Greenhall, K.Smith & D.Henley lost to C.Herron, K.Gregory, P.Hitchcock & G.Moran 10-17.

We returned home on a somewhat damp and miserable Friday morning.

Datchworth 42 Holwell 54
We returned to our “normal” fixture programme on Saturday afternoon when we travelled to Holwell for a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match and were beaten by 54 shots to 42. Lucy Williams, Howard Carrick, Ian Williams and Skip Derek Henley won the first three ends, to lead 6-0 and held onto that lead until they won by 18 shots to 11. Jenny Holzbauer, Alfie Williams, Richard Harper and Skip Graham Akers won just four ends as they crashed to a 7 shot to 29 defeat. Barbara Williams, Phil Holzbauer, Daniel Williams and Skip Steve Arnold lost the first two ends, to trail 0-4 and remained behind until they picked up three shots on the ninth end to take the lead by 8 shots to 7. They held onto that lead until they won by 17 shots to 14.
L.Williams, H.Carrick, I.Williams & D.Henley beat D.Chiltern, D.Weeks, D.Johnson & D.Park 18-11; J.Holzbauer, A.Williams, R.Harper & G.Akers lost to J.Brodie, P.Brodie, A.Wilson & A.Pearson 7-29; B.Williams, P.Holzbauer, D.Williams & S.Arnold beat M.Wilson, J.Topham, C.Gardner & E.Pearson 17-14.

Datchworth 37 Royston 59
We were on our travels again on Sunday afternoon as we travelled to Royston for another Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match. The venue was switched from our green to Royston’s, due to overrunning works on the carparks on the Turkey Farm and we were beaten for the second time of the weekend, this time by 59 shots to 37. We were lucky with the weather; thunder and lightning and rain could be seen and heard for most of the match. But we only had the rain as soon as we left the green after the match had finished. We only had one winning Rink, that of Dickie Jackson, Ann Edwards, Ian Williams and Skip Derek Henley. They won by 18 shots to 17 after the home Rink had penalty shots deducted for fielding an all-male Rink. Rachel Jones, Mike Usher, Keith Smith and Skip Richard Harper
won the first four ends, to lead 4-0, but they only won another four ends and lost by 21 shots to 9.Barbara Williams, Jack Harper, Steve Arnold and Skip Peter Hills won three of the first eight ends and trailed 4-10 as a result, they never caught up and lost by 10 shots to 21.
R.Jones, M.Usher, K.Smith & R.Harper lost to G.Thompson, K.Stafford, S.White & S.Kilford 9-21; D.Jackson, A.Edwards, I.Williams & D.Henley beat P.Miller, C.Stafford, A.Pigg & C.Moore 18-17; B.Williams, J.Harper, S.Arnold & P.Hills lost to S.Kennedy, D.Ward, J.Thompson & L.Ramsay 10-21

Website Report for week ending 15th September 2024.

Datchworth 54 Knebworth 34
On Monday afternoon we travelled the short distance to Knebworth for a Stevenage and District Mixed Bowls League match and came away with a 54 shot to 34 win. After trailing 3-9 after five ends Jan Smith, Phil Holzbauer, Phil Berry and Skip Steve Arnold got back to all square at 10 shots apiece after eleven ends. They were 15-14 ahead with one end to play, but dropped a shot on the final end, to draw 15 shots apiece. They won the extra end, that had to be played according to the League’s rules, to win the point for winning the Rink. It was an easier game for Maurice Gordon, Ian Tyler, Ian Williams and Skip Richard Harper, as they ran out winners by 22 shots to 7. But, again, according to the League’s rules they had 4 shots deducted for playing an all-male Rink, so, ended up winning by 18 shots to 7. Howard Carrick, Linda Tyler, Keith Smith and Skip Peter Hills were all square at 7 shots apiece after nine ends, then they went on to win five of the remaining nine ends to win by 21 shots to 12.
J.Smith, P.Holzbauer, P.Berry & S.Arnold drew with A.Curtis, T.Greening, M.Sprigge & P.Veale 15 all; M.Gordon, I.Tyler, I.Williams & R.Harper beat J.Quick, L.Ayre, P.Matthews & D.Percival 18-7; H.Carrick, L.Tyler, K.Smith & P.Hills beat J.Lyme, J.Jessop, D.Berry & J.Matthews 21-12.

Datchworth 16 Co-Op Luton 61
On Tuesday afternoon, as we could not play this match at home due to overrunning work on the carparks in the Turkey Farm, we travelled to Luton to play Co-Op Luton in a Mixed Friendly, and in a match cut short by the rain, we were heavily beaten by 61 shots to 16. Debra Freeman, Rachel Jones and Skip Richard Harper won just three ends as they were beaten by 25 shots to 5. David Stock, Phil Berry and Skip Steve Arnold lost two more ends than they won, but dropping a five on the seventh end contributed heavily to their 14 shots to 6 defeat. Jack Harper, Nicki Berry and Skip Ann Edwards went down heavily 22 shots to 5.
D.Freeman, R.Jones & R.Harper lost to A.Clifford, P.Brennan & K.Brooks 5-25; D.Stock, P.Berry & S.Arnold lost to A.Grace, J.Naughton & T.Brooks 6-14; J.Harper, N.Berry & A.Edwards lost to B.Morris, T.Phillips & S.Grace 5-22.

Datchworth v Northaw and Cuffley
This Friendly match away to Northaw and Cuffley on Wednesday afternoon had to be cancelled as we could not field a full team.

Datchworth 109 Hertford 107
On Saturday afternoon we travelled to Hertford to play them in a Mixed Friendly and came away after a close encounter with a 109 shot to 107 win. Linda Tyler, Dave Castle and Skip Richard Harper lost the lead on the fourth end and chased the home side all the way to the end, but never caught them, losing by 18 shots to 21. Nicki Berry, Ian Tyler and Skip Ian Williams lost just two more ends than they won, but dropping a 5 and a 7 did not help their cause, as they lost by 12 shots to 30. Annette Hutchinson, Phil Holzbauer and Skip Derek Henley won the first end then lost the next six, to trail 1-11. Picking up five shots on the final end helped to cut their losing deficit to 11-22. Rachel Jones, Phil Berry and Skip Les Parsley won the first four ends and held onto their lead till the end and picking up six shots on the sixteenth ends helped them to win by 20 shots to 13. Jack Harper, Jenny Holzbauer and Skip Steve Arnold lost the first two end but won the next five, to lead 10-2. It was a lead they never lost as they ran out winners by 24 shots to 9. Richard Hutchinson, Jim Smith and Skip Rob Hazeu were 3-9 down after eight ends then they won all but two of the remaining ten ends to win by 24 shots to 12.
L.Tyler, D.Castle & R.Harper lost to T.Smith, B.Stockwell & P.Worsley 18-21; N.Berry, I.Tyler & I.Williams lost to S.Hill, S.Winship & A.Warren 12-30; A.Hutchinson, P.Holzbauer & D.Henley lost to I.Pritchard, M.Stockwell & K.Cartwright 11-22; R.Jones, P.Berry & L.Parsley beat C.Hammond, S.Hill & M.Irving 20-13; J.Harper, J.Holzbauer & S.Arnold beat S. Sage, A.Barrett & R.Barrett 24-9; R.Hutchinson, J.Smith & R.Hazeu beat M.Toynton, K.Heath & D.Neary 24-12.

Website Report for week ending 22nd September 2024.

Datchworth v Shephalbury
Our final week of bowling should have started on Monday afternoon with the visit of Shephalbury to our green. But it had to be cancelled as we could not play it due to the continued overrunning works on the carparks in the Turkey Farm and the fact that Shephalbury did not have access to the green they share with Three Horseshoes.

Datchworth 106 Sele Farm 107
Instead, it started on Tuesday afternoon when Sele Farm were the visitors to the Turkey Farm for a Mixed Friendly and after a closely contested match the visitors edged it by the narrowest of margins 107 to 106. Nicki Berry, Ian Williams and Skip Les Parsley won eight ends on the trot, to go from 1 shot apiece after two ends to 18-1 up after ten ends. It was a lead they never lost as they ran our winners by 23 shots to 10. Mike Usher, Chris Hills and Skip Richard Harper led 12-6 after twelve ends, but they won only the last end after that, to lose by 13 shots to 17. Jack Harper, Ann Edwards and Skip Derek Henley had a close game for the first twelve ends, when they trail by 14 shots to 15. But they never won another end and lost by 14 shots to 24. Linda Tyler, Phil Berry and Skip Peter Hills were 7-11 down after eight ends, before they lost the next six ends, to trail 7-26. They ended up losing by 13 shots to 33. Ian Tyler, Barbara Williams and Skip Steve Chamberlain lost the first four ends, to trail 0-8. They remained behind until they picked up two shots on the penultimate end, to lead 15-14. They picked up another three shots on the final end to win by 18 shots to 14. Ian Bartlett, Dickie Jackson and Skip Steve Arnold trailed 1-8 after six ends. They then went on to win all but one of the remaining twelve ends to win by 25 shots to 9.
N.Berry, I.Williams & L.Parsley beat I.Bosward, D.Lacey & E.Lundy 23-10; M.Usher, C.Hills & R.Harper lost to B.Kirby, H.J.Ottley & J.Lake 13-17; J.Harper, A.Edwards & D.Henley lost to B.Turner, J.A.Parsley & D.Pratt 14-24; L.Tyler, P.Berry & P.Hills lost to M.Sell, S.Kelley & N.Lonergan 13-33; I.Tyler, B.Williams & S.Chamberlain beat B.Karn, H.Ottley & J.Jones 18-14; I.Bartlett, D.Jackson & S.Arnold beat S.Lacey, J.Ottley & J.Dunne 25-9.

Datchworth 71 Luton West End 51
On Saturday afternoon we travelled to Luton to play Luton West End in a Mixed Friendly and came away with a 71 shot to 51 win. Ron Kitchener, a West End member playing for us as we were one player short of a full team, Ian Bartlett and Skip Terry Metcalf won all but one of the first seven ends to lead 7-1. They then lost the next eight ends, to trail 7-11, before winning the closing two ends to win by 13 shots to 11. Celia Gordon, Dickie Jackson and Skip Rob Hazeu shared the first twelve ends equally, but led 13-6 thanks to picking up multiple shots on four ends, while dropping single shots each time. They then won all but two of the closing six ends to win by 24 shots to 9. Jack Harper, Ann Edwards and Skip Derek Henley won four of the first five ends, to lead 11-1 and never lost it; running out winners by 21 shots to 13. Datchworth’s only losing Triple was that of John Gordon, Rachel Jones and Skip Richard Harper. Their scores were level for the second time on the tenth end, at 8 shots apiece. But they won just three more ends and lost by 13 shots to 18.
R.Kitchener, I.Bartlett & T.Metcalf beat M.Ainsworth, L.Hooper & B.Fisher 13-11; C.Gordon, D.Jackson & R.Hazeu beat S.Hooper, G.Coulthard & R.Dodd 24-9; J.Harper, A.Edwards & D.Henley beat S.Kitchener, P.Clemment & R.Spendley 21-13; J.Gordon, R.Jones & R.Harper lost to S.Gonsalves, P.Jirgens & J.Spendley 13-18.
Datchworth v Bengeo
This Mixed Friendly match away to Bengeo on Sunday afternoon should have been our final match of the season, but it was called of because of the forecast bad weather. Which as fate would have never materialized.